Shubh Muhurat For Wear Yagyopavit June 2029

This page provides shubh muhurat for wear yagyopavit June 2029. Wearing of sacred thread is also known as Janoi. According to astrologers age of child should be between 5 to 12. The maximum age to wear sacred thread is 16 year. Below chart contains the auspicious days to wear Janoi in June 2029.

Date Day Time From To % Tithi Rasi Nak Yoga Karan Sun Sign Mon Hse
01-06-29 Friday 5:54 6:53 96% K 5 Capricorn Sravna Brahma Taitila Taurus 9
9:07 11:27 91% K 5 Capricorn Sravna Brahma Taitila Taurus 7
13:45 15:40 95% K 5 Capricorn Sravna Brahma Taitila Taurus 5

Shubh Muhurat for Come To A Compromise for june 2029 Ends Here.