This page provides shubh muhurat for wear yagyopavit January 2029. Wearing of sacred thread is also known as Janoi. According to astrologers age of child should be between 5 to 12. The maximum age to wear sacred thread is 16 year. Below chart contains the auspicious days to wear Janoi in January 2029.
Date | Day | Time From | To | % | Tithi | Rasi | Nak | Yoga | Karan | Sun Sign | Mon Hse |
January,2029 | |||||||||||
17-01-29 | Wednesday | 7:45 | 8:15 | 91% | S 3 | Aquarius | Dhanish | Sidhi | Taitila | Capricorn | 2 |
Shubh Muhurat for Come To A Compromise for january 2029 Ends Here.