Yakshma Roga Nivarana

Yakshma Roga Nivarana

yakshma-roga-nivarana-homamHealth Related Needs – Yakshma Roga Nivarana Homam

Lord Shiva is one of the gods in the Trinity. He is supposed to be the most easily accessible and blesses his devotees instantly. Along with Shakti he acts as the creator, as Mahakala he is the destroyer. The tantra system emerged from Lord Shiva. He bestowed mankind with 64 yantras and the respective mantras to the mankind. He is the creator of dance in the form of Lord Nataraja. He is known as the male force of kundalini shakti. His elder son Lord Ganesha is the bestower of all vidyas and remover of obstacles. Lord Shiva resides on Mount Kailasha with his consort Parvati.


1. Yakshma Roga Nivarana Homam: Lord Shiva is prayed and worshipped for eliminating all evils, sins and for attaining success in all endeavours. Shiva’s prayers and worship procedures are mentioned in the vedic scriptures. There are several poojas like abhishekam, Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam, Maha Rudram Yagya, Atirudram Yagya, Santana Parameshwara Pooja etc.

Yakshma Roga Nivarana Homam is prescribed for those people who are suffering from chronic skin diseases like Leucoderma, chicken pox and small pox marks and other diseases.

Shiva Pooja and recitation of Rudram is done. The Yakshma ROga Nivarana mantra which is mentioned in the Rigveda is recited for 100 times. A homam is performed for 100 times. This pooja is a lengthy process and a total of eight pundits perform this homa. The time taken is around six hours.

2. Shiva Pooja: Shiva Linga pooja is performed, Shivopasana mantra recitation, archana and 108 namavali recitation are done.

Cost: Rs 1001/- Book Now

3. Shiva Pooja 1008: Pooja as mentioned above and 1008 names of Lord Shiva are recited.

Cost: Rs 1351/- Book Now

4. Bilva Patra Pooja 108: 108 names of Lord Shiva are recited and 108 bilva patra leaves are offered in this pooja.

Cost: Rs1101/- Book Now

5. Bilva Patra 1008: Pooja is done as mentioned above and 1008 names of Lord Shiva are recited by offering 1008 Bilva patras.

Cost: Rs1451/- Book Now

6. Masa Shivaratri (Pradosha) Pooja: Trayodasi is the thirteenth day as per lunar calendar. It is considered very auspicious for pooja of Lord Shiva. Krishnapaksha Trayodasi is known as Masa Shivaratri.

Cost: Rs 2001/- Book Now

7. Rudrabhishekam Pooja: Lord Shiva is worshipped in the form of Rudra. Sri Rudram is chanted and abhishekam is performed to the Shiva Linga.

Cost: Rs 2500/- Book Now

8. Rudhrabhishekam Pooja (12 Rudrabhisheka): Ganesha pooja, Kalasha sthapana, Laghunyasa, Shivopasana Mantra and 108 names of Lord Shiva are recited. Abhishekam is done with the suggested eleven ingredients like water, milk, curd, ghee, homey etc. It is done every month for an year in your name and with your desire.

Cost: Rs 25000/- Book Now

9. Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam Pooja: It is an elaborate pooja and Shiva is worshipped in the form of Rudra. Rudram is recited eleven times.

Cost: Rs 5500/- Book Now

10. Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam (Rudraikadasini) Homam: Homa is performed and the eleven forms of Rudra are worshipped. Rudra Trisati is recited. Rudra japam is done for 121 times.

Cost: Rs 35,000/- Book Now

11. Maha Rudram Yagya: Sri Rudram is recited for 1331 times by 121 pundits, eleven times each in a day. Homa is also performed.

Cost: Rs 500,000/- Book Now

12. Atirudram Yagya: One of the greatest yagyas as mentioned in the scriptures.

Cost: Please contact us for price details

13. Santana Parameswara Pooja: It is advised for seeking progeny.

Cost: Rs 1500/- Book Now

Maha Mrutyanjay Homam:

Cost: 1008 recitals Rs 9500/- Book Now

Cost: 10000 recitals Rs 12500/- Book Now

Cost: 27000 recitals Rs 21500/- Book Now

Cost: 54000 recitals Rs 45000/- Book Now

Cost: 100000 recitals Rs 85000/- Book Now