What is Yantra ?

What is Yantra

This sacred Mandala and it has two aspects ‘Yan’ means to regulate and ‘Tra’ means to protect. It is a device which regulates the energy dynamics of worshipper, to protect it from decay, disintegration and death. The worshipper must meditate on its mystical form, for it is a sacred undertaking, to be able to invite or attract a particular deity to descend and endow the yantra with auspicious and protective power before starting work on a yantra.

What is Yantra ?

The are variety of Yantras but the most sacred is Sri Chakra, which could be made out of gold, silver and copper. The Golden Yantra is for worldly influence, the silver for health and long life and the copper for wealth. The yantra made of all these three metals secures all the aspirations. A permanent yantra is fixed on the ground is called achana i.e. immoveable. It could be an inscription on a stone, on metal plates or carved on a rock. Once installed it becomes a place of worship called an altar. There are small yantras inscribed on pieces of crystal or metals which are worn as charms, these are called dharana yogya.

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