What is Shri Yantra?

What is Sri Yantra

The Shri Yantra is considered the supreme mystical mandala and it is also called Sri Chakra- the living yantra. It is not prepared by ordinary worshipper but only by a guru or a teacher, for the work involved is ana ct of worship. He must be austere, must undertake fasting, seclude himself and meditate on the design for a period of time, it is not to be sold or bartered but is only given to a disciple.

What is Sri Yantra?

The design of this yantra must be prepared carefully; the square and the three concentric circles do not constitute the important integral part of the yantra, although they have their own ritualistic symbolism. The principal divinity of a yantra is the Mother Goddess seated in the central point, the Center of Bliss represented by Shiva who is creator of his own power, could not move. Devi is the life giver, the inspiration. This is a Tantric discipline with the male-female symbol basic in the worship of the Sri Chakra in which female is superior and male is subordinate to her. The Goddess is dynamic; the god is inert but they are inseparable. The union pervades the entire yantra but also endures in an unmanifested manner. The inseparability of male and female principles is the important feature of Sri Chakra.

The mantra of the Sri Chakra is three lettered which cause the the primary union of shiva and shakti, the transcendental principle; the initial emanation of the universe, its growth and the harmony and absorption of the universe. The centre of emanation is called Srishti Chakra, the center of preservation is Sthiti Chakra and the absorption center is called Sanhara chakra. The first is presided by the moon, second by the sun, surya and the third by fire, the Agni. The triad called Tripura is fundamental and inseparable.

Involved in Sri Chakra is Kama kala, the fundamental principle of all existence and experience. ‘Kama’ means desire, ‘Ka’ means emanation and ‘La’ means absorption or the end.

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