Udaka Shanti Pooja

Sanctity of water
Udaka shanti pooja is ideal for seeking auspicious results- it may be for the wellbeing of your children, peace or shanty at home, better job prospects. Good relations with mother-in-law and so on. Water is mainly used in the Udaka shanti pooja. Let us see some of the benefits of purifying water and using in poojas.
Importance of water
Water is a life giving substance which is essential for all forms of life. Since billions of years after the first creation, water has not changed its composition or properties.
The God of Oceans, water and rivers is Varuna. Water is made holy by infusion. It is mentioned in Rig veda that Agni dwells in water.
Water is used in all vedic karmas, achamanam, madhyanikam and santhyavanthanam rituals. The water of river Ganga is always considered sacred and can be used directly without infusion for the purpose of purification of materials and objects.
Purnakumbha means a “full pitcher”. It is usually a pitcher full of water, wherein leaves of mango tree and a full coconut is placed on the pitcher or vessel. The pitcher can be of brass, copper, mud or silver.
This pitcher is used in almost all poojas and occasions like hourse warming ceremony, marriages and other auspicious functions.
A red or white thread is ties around the pitcher or kalash in an intricate geometrical pattern. Most of the times, the diety is invoked into the kalash or purnakumbh. It is done in Udakashanthi procedure as well.
During the pooja, various mantras are recited which will charge the water in the kalash with divind power and this water is utilized for the abhishekam of the diety and given to the devotees as prasadam.
Udaka Shanti Pooja is ideal for anyone seeking auspicious results in their endeavours.
Procedure of Udaka shanti Pooja
After Ganesh Pooja, a kalash filled with Ganga water is prepared with mango leaves and coconut. Varuna and other Gods are invoked into the Kalasha. Mantras from Yajurveda are recited. This pooja involves the recitation of total 1441 lines and will consume more thatn three hours of time.
For a prolonged and happy life, to achieve name and fame, for progeny, one has to listen to that recitation of udaka shanty mantras. These mantras are very powerful and can purify our minds and the surrounding environment. Udaka shanty leterally means rendering peace through water.
Udaka shanti is one of the important karmas and has the essence of the Vedas. Udaka shanty belonging to Krishnayajur veds was rendered by Sage Bodhayana. Udaka shanty comprises of mantras and sacred chants from Agni, the God of fire to Lord Vishnu. Mantras related to all the deities governing all nakshatras and individual mantras are also recited.
Later abhishekam is performed and the theertham of the sacred water is distributed to the devotees.
We perform Udaka Shanti pooja in your name and with your specific desire or sankalpa. You can get rid of all problems and seek peace and prosperity in all your endeavours and personal life.