Gemini Monthly Horoscope For September 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope For September 2020

“Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope For September 2020″

Gemini Health Horoscope

Quite a helpful month since the stars are quite favourably disposed towards your health affairs. Only one important note of caution needs to be sounded, and that is to caution you against over exertion. A rational schedule of activity should be drawn up, which does not unduly tax your system, and yet allow full play to all activities.

Those with a pronounced streak of somberness in their temperament would be less somber and somewhat more cheerful during this period. A fairly helpful month, during which it is extremely unlikely that you will be faced with any serious health problems.

Gemini Finance Forecast

Nothing practically favourable about your financial prospects, in so far as the augury from the stars is concerned. Those indulging in speculative activity are likely to suffer serious losses. The conclusion would be obvious. Stay away from gambling of any sort.

There is the further likelihood of some of you doing other people’s dirty work in order to make a fast buck. Not only would luck elude these people but also land them in serious trouble. Another safeguard to be strictly followed. The climate would also not be particularly favourable for investment and new ventures, and such plans should be shelved for the moment.

Gemini Career and Profession Predictions

Nothing very encouraging in the augury from the stars about your professional prospects this month. You might have a steak of meanness that would goad you on to severely exploit your juniors or subordinates. This would be met by stiff opposition. Try not to let such a situation come about. Curb this streak and behave well with your juniors.

There would be a fair amount of travel which will, however, fail to bear any fruit. Though there might be some percentage in a sojourn towards the west. Contacts also would not be very helpful. The circumstances will also demand a great deal of hard work from you.

Gemini Education Horoscope

Your efforts in education may simply flounder quite badly this month, since the stars are not in a favourable position. Most of you, would work quite hard for the realization of your objectives. Even then only limited success may come your way.

Technical students would also have to work more than usual to maintain their position, in their respective classes. Those pursuing languages, journalism and accountancy would also be in for a trying time. Candidates appearing in competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching well in advance, since this could well decide the outcome of their efforts.

Gemini Travel Forecast

A good month during which sizeable gains would accrue to you from travel, since the stars have decided to bless you. Writers, poets, journalists and others of their ilk would have excellent opportunities for exciting travel.

You would tend to travel alone mostly by rail or by road with a fair measure of air travel. Also, on the cards is a trip abroad. Not all your travels would be for business purposes. Those that are would be extremely profitable; the rest would be very pleasant and satisfy you in a deeper score. West is the most favourable direction.

Gemini Family Prospects

This month there is very little of an encouraging nature about the augury from the stars, in so far as your family affairs are concerned. There is a possibility of some of you getting into serious trouble with the elders of the family, leading to an extremely unpleasant situation. You must not lose your cool and refuse to be drawn into any kind of a confrontation.

The family atmosphere would be tension-ridden with no signs of harmony among the members in evidence. Such circumstances would have a negative effect on the children, who would tend to be irritable and disobedient. Pay special attention to them.

Gemini Children Predictions

A month during which the affairs of your children are unlikely to progress smoothly, since the augury from the stars is not too helpful on this score. Those among your wards who are a little weak in studies would need a lot of extra help to keep them going. Even the brighter lot may have to be helped along and assisted in making important decisions.

There is a possibility that some of them would tend to behave in an unruly fashion, with a few getting into fights or disputes with servants and such like people. This would create serious problems. Parents might be have to firm about discipline.

Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope Astrology for September 2020 Ends Here.

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