Gemini Monthly Horoscope For October 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope For October 2020

“Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope For October 2020″

Gemini Health Horoscope

The combination of stars, facing you this month is quite favourable for your health. There will be those whose digestive organs are quite easily upset, creating a tendency to indigestion. Such troubles would be significantly relieved, provided, of course, precautions of a normal nature are maintained.

This is also true of chronic complaints like cough, colds, asthma, and bronchitis. There are grounds, for you to be a little careful about not eating any unclean food, and maintaining caution on this score, because you could be afflicted by a bout of food poisoning. Apart from this, you have a fairly encouraging month.

Gemini Finance Forecast

Your financial prospects don’t look too good this month, since the stars are in a somewhat forbidding mood. Some of you may undertake to do other people’s dirty work, in order to make a fast buck. But, as things stand, these people could well find themselves in a soup. Refrain from such enterprises.

There is also the likelihood of serious losses to some of you through speculative activity of one sort or the other. Yet another precaution : stay away from gambling of all types. A bad time for investment and new ventures. Such plans should be shelved for the time being.

Gemini Career and Profession Predictions

An excellent month during which you would tend to go for your targets like a bullet. Astral influences would endow you with a fine manner of handling your juniors and subordinates, so that you would be able to derive optimum benefit from their services. A certain instinct of the hunter would enable you to seize any opportunity that might come your way.

This is, however, all very well, but you should guard against becoming openly exploitative. This would boomerang upon you and create serious opposition. Travel will also bring gains, the most advantageous direction being north. Further there is the likelihood of some old person doing you a favour that could substantially boost your career prospects.

Gemini Education Horoscope

Nothing particularly favourable, about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned. Most of you would tend to work quite hard to realize your objectives, and even then, not achieve much success.

Technical students would also have to work much harder than usual, to maintain their positions in their classes. The situation would not be very different for the artistically inclined. They should be prepared for a lot of extra work. Further, most of you would be negatively influenced in a manner that will make you self-assertive and headstrong in your behaviour. This would make learning very difficult Curb such tendencies.

Gemini Travel Forecast

Very little percentage in travel for you this month since the stars facing you are not all that favourable. Artists, singers, actors, dancers and other of their ilk could find themselves chasing wild schemes or just simply having a spell of unproductive travel.

In fact, unnecessary travel would be your main problem this month. This would also apply to business or job related travel. Therefore, you should scrutinise your travel plans very carefully and shift the necessary from the unnecessary. You would tend to travel alone and mainly by rail and by road with a fair measure by air. A foreign trip cannot be ruled out. West is the most favourable direction.

Gemini Family Prospects

Nothing particularly helpful about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your family affairs are concerned. The family atmosphere would remain far from pleasant with no signs of harmony among the members in evidence. Such an environment would be definitely harmful to the children who would tend to become stubborn and disobedient.

Their performance in studies and other extra-curricular activities may also fall well below the normal mark. You should, therefore, pay special attention to their affairs and scrutinize their activities very closely, devoting more time and energy to this.

Gemini Children Predictions

During the coming month there is very little of a beneficial nature in the augury from the stars in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. There is a likelihood that the wards of some among you all would tend to behave in an unruly manner. Few of them could get involved in fights with servants or such people, leading to unpleasant consequences.

Parents must firmly discipline them. The performance at studies of most of them would be below average though a few of them who are pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship etc. may do relatively better.

Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope Astrology for October 2020 Ends Here.

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