Virgo Monthly Horoscope For December 2019

Virgo Monthly Horoscope For December 2019

“Free Virgo Monthly Horoscope For December 2019″

Virgo Health Horoscope

This month the stars are quite favourably disposed towards you, and will bless you with good health. This means a period during which you will keep fit with the minimum of fuss. There is, however, a note of caution as well. This lies in over- exertion.

To get over this danger, you would have to chalk out a schedule where all your normal activities are allowed full play, and yet your strength is not unduly treated. This is merely a readjustment, and could be easily accomplished. Further, you might as well pay some extra attention to your liver, especially if there is any previous history of liver trouble.

Virgo Finance Forecast

Nothing particularly favourable about your financial prospects, this month in so far as the augury from the stars is concerned. Writers, poets and others of their ilk would do well to make provisions for an extremely lean period, for that is just the kind of time they have ahead of them this month.

In fact, for most of you there is every chance that your efforts are not going to get you anywhere. This would apply to any new line of activities in particular. Those expecting any gains from Government are also not likely to be happy at the turn of events. The outcome would in all probability be unfavourable.

Virgo Career and Profession Predictions

This month the augury for your professional advancement is quite favourable. Your whole working culture would be enriched by the influence of some gifted people of learning. This would not only benefit you materially but also impart a highly satisfying dimension to your life.

In fact, some of you would go on to make significant contributions in social- religious activities. And what is more, most of you would stick to a principle life, not deviating from your standards for the sake of convenience. Three would also be some travel and this, too, would prove gainful, of particular benefit would be travel towards the west.

Virgo Education Horoscope

You can look forward to fairly beneficial results from your educational pursuits this month, since the stars are in an obliging mood. Those pursuing languages, journalism, accountancy and law would be particularly benefited.

Aspirants for higher education would not be able to find the right opportunities but also go on to do well in their respective fields. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations would also achieve success, provided they put in the normal kind of effort with sincerity. Most of you would also be blessed with keener mental faculties that will make learning quicker and easier.

Virgo Travel Forecast

The prophecy from the stars, does not augur too well for you, in so far as gains from travel are concerned this month. Most of you would travel extensively, in connection with your work. Such journeys would involve air-travel in some cases, and road or train travel in others.

But these efforts are unlikely to yield any significant gains. So much so that the most favourable direction i.e. North would also fail in redressing the situation. In fact, even those who make trips abroad for business or official purpose, would do so at their own risk, since there is little chance of success in their ventures.

Virgo Family Prospects

This month the prospects for your family welfare are quite bright, since the combination of stars facing you is quite bright. The elders of the family would be very pleased by your conduct and your concern, and in return they would whole-heartedly bless you. This would set the trend for the entire family atmosphere, which would be characterized by a spirit of give and take and mutual concern.

That is to say the family atmosphere would remain very pleasant throughout the month, with all the members living in harmony. Of special benefit and a source of happiness would be your relations with your spouse, from whom you would get a lot of love and extremely considerate treatment. This would be a varitable boon in terms of personal pleasure.

Virgo Children Predictions

A month during which the prospects for your children appear to be quite bright, since the stars facing you are favourably disposed. The children would perform very well in their fields and display very pleasant behaviour, which would impress their elders, particularly teachers who in turn would pay special attention to their affairs.

Those going in for higher studies would not only find the right opportunities but also go on to do very well in their chosen fields. Students of law would also have a beneficial time.

Free Virgo Monthly Horoscope Astrology for December 2019 Ends Here.