Taurus Monthly Horoscope For July 2019

Taurus Monthly Horoscope For July 2019

“Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope For July 2019″

Taurus Health Horoscope

A favourable month, during which the stars are in a mood to bless your health. Obviously a good period when there would be little if any botheration for you. Even those predisposed to chronic disorders of the digestive tract, like flatulence and excess of wind will experience relief.

Take the normal kind of precautions and the situation would be quite satisfactory. There are some grounds for you to pay a little extra attention to a sore throat, should you acquire one. Thorough examination would be helpful and the possibility of this being a symptom of a rheumatic heart must be ruled out. This apart, you have nothing to worry about.

Taurus Finance Forecast

There is nothing particularly bright about financial prospects in so far as the augury from the stars is concerned. Those of you, waiting for some gain from Government, will almost certainly be disappointed, for the outcome would most probably be unfavourable.

Poets, musicians, dramatists, film-makers and other practitioners of the arts should make provision for a rainy day, since they are likely to face a lean spell during this coming month. In fact, most of you would have very few opportunities, and even your own efforts would not seem to get you anywhere in particular. The climate would also be far from congenial for investments and new ventures.

Taurus Career and Profession Predictions

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars in so far as your career prospects are concerned. The work-load would tend to be quite heavy, and you may well find yourself working hard for relatively meagre returns. Satisfaction, may also be elusive, with the company of learned people not enriching your life in the expected manner.

Some travel is also indicated, but this also is unlikely to bear much fruit, though there is some chance of gains, at best of a marginal sort, from sojourn towards the south. Overall, not a very favourable period for you, during which you would have to patiently carry on.

Taurus Education Horoscope

This month your pursuits in education are likely to get bogged down in difficulties since the configuration of stars facing you is not too favourable. Most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to get to your objectives, and even then you might not be entirely successful.

Those going in for higher education would face a difficult time, some of you being unable to locate the right opportunities. Candidates appearing for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching since this could make all the difference between success and failure.

Taurus Travel Forecast

A month during which you could well find yourself on the verge of a dilemma with circumstances making it obligatory to travel, for the pursuit of your line of work and your journeys turning out to be of no help at all in reaching your objectives. Indications are that most of you would travel a good deal by air and end not being able to get anywhere near your objective, the favourable direction, i.e. North, would also fail to rectify the picture.

This would also apply to all those going abroad for official or business purposes. They should try to postpone their trip to a later and more auspicious time.

Taurus Family Prospects

An extremely pleasant month for your family in most ways since the stars are in an obliging mood. You can look forward to celebrating an auspicious event in the family with much fun and merriment. The elders of the family would be very pleased with your conduct and bless you whole heartedly.

This would set the trend for the domestic atmosphere, which would remain quite pleasant throughout the month, with members living in harmony. Financially also, you all should do quite well, with a rise in overall family in come fairly certain. Quite a beneficial month in most ways.

Taurus Children Predictions

An excellent month in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned which are quite promising, since the stars are quite favourably inclined. This would be a time when most children would endear themselves to their elders, particularly teachers with their performance and pleasant behaviour. In fact, teachers would go out of their way to pay special attention to their affairs.

Those studying law would have a particularly beneficial time. This would also be a good period for those going in for higher studies since they will not only find the required opportunities but also go on to do very well in their chosen fields.

Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope Astrology for July 2019 Ends Here.