Libra Monthly Horoscope May

Libra monthly horoscope May 2016

“Free Libra Monthly Horoscope For May 2016″

Health Horoscope Chart

This month the stars are quite favourably disposed towards your health. The Sun will impart extraordinary vitality to you, which will make for an all round constitution. Being prone to general debility, and problems arising from over-exertion, like exhaustion and nervous disorders exists.

But this is merely a constitutional inclination, which will not bother you this month, owing to a favourable configuration of stars. But, you should not at the same time invite trouble by exerting yourself unduly. Take normal precautions, and you can expect to enjoy good health. A work-schedule cut out for the proper utilization of your strength, is the requirement of the month.


Finance Forecast

This month you can look forward to excellent opportunities of making money, that would put you in a sound financial situation. Those dealing with government bodies or departments have an extremely profitable time ahead of them. So, do people in the transport industry.

There is every chance that any dispute or litigation you may be involved in, would be decided in your favour and further that you would gain financially from such a decision. There would be some of you who are used to dealing with crooks of various types and gaining substantially from such an association; for such people also, this month will bring gains.


Profession Astrology

No noteworthy advantage appears likely for your professional prospects this month. Travel for business or a fresh posting in your job are possibilities but, would not be very helpful. Contacts also would not stand you in very good stead. You would do well, therefore, to rely exclusively on your own skill to handle matters.

Disputes with superiors could further worsen the situation. Were again, you should go about your task with extreme caution and avoid situations which are fraught with unpleasant possibilities. Also do not allow adverse circumstances to put you in a state of mind where your day-to-day activities cease to interest you.


Education Horoscope

This month most of you can look forward to a fruitful spell of activity in promoting your educational attainment. Those artistically inclined can look forward to doing very well. Pursuits of music, dancing, acting, painting, sculpture, and such – like endeavours would be quite beneficial.

So will pursuits of technical and medical studies. Those so engaged would find themselves performing very well with their hands, and may even score some success in some field demanding dexterity. Most of you would also have the desire to acquire learning and put this to good use. This would of course show in your results.


Travel Planning Forecast

There is little likelihood of any significant gains from travel this month since the stars are not too well disposed. It might become necessary for most of you to travel in connection with your particular line of work. However, it is very possible that your journeys may not be able to accomplish even a minimum measure of success.

This would even apply to sojourns undertake in the most favourable direction this month which is east. Most of the travel would be road or by rail. This would not be as pleasant as usual nor would it bring about any new opportunity.


Family Compatibility

Quite a pleasant and beneficial month for your family since the configuration of stars facing you is quite favourable. You can look forward to celebrating an auspicious happening in the family with much fun.

The family atmosphere would remain quite pleasant and cordial with harmony among the members and not a note of discord to be heard. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would gain significantly from your brothers. This would be accompanied by a rise in the overall family income, which would place all in a comfortable financial position. Children would also do well in their studies and extra- curricular activities.


Children Astrology

During the coming month, the affairs of your children would coast along smoothly with few problems bothering them, since the augury from the stars is quite favourable on this score. Generally speaking most children would be a source of satisfaction to their parents. They would also be more than normally obedient.

This means their life pattern would display a discipline, which will enable most of them to while their time and energies in some appropriate action. This would also make for an above average performance both in studies as well as extra curricular activities.

Free Libra Monthly Horoscope Astrology for May 2016 Ends Here.