Cancer Yearly Horoscope For 2022

Cancer Yearly Horoscope For 2022

“Free Cancer Yearly Horoscope For 2022″

This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces Sign Ninth House and Rahu in Aries Sign Tenth House on March 17. On April 29, Saturn would enter Aquarius Sign Eighth House and on July 12, it would transit Capricorn Sign Seventh House after becoming retrograde. Venus would remain combust from September 30 to November 21.


This year would be moderately auspicious for work and profession perspective. There might be some problems in the beginning of the year. Besides this unnecessary problems could crop up all of a sudden in the month of May, June and July. But you would succeed over these problems by dint of your hard work, self-confidence and working efficiencies and capabilities.

You would be able to accomplish your ventures due to the effect of Saturn in Seventh House. Your secret enemies and competitors could create hindrances for four domain of work. Hence work incessantly with great caution by applying your mental capabilities. Those who are performing jobs would get reverence at their work place.

Wealth, Property

This year would be average result oriented for economic perspective. Rahu in Eleventh House indicates sudden gains for you. You could get rid of long pending debt by these sudden gains.

The later half of the year would be auspicious for your economic growth. Due to auspicious transit of Jupiter enter would be enhancement in your money gains and hence you could make desired savings. You would incur expenditure on auspicious ceremonies, social activities and education of children.

House, Family and Society

Beginning of the year would be averagely auspicious for family perspective. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in your family because of combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Fourth House. You would get full cooperation of your mother.

In the later half of the year, worries regarding children would be over and social prestige be at a higher pinnacle. You would participate enthusiastically in social activities. You would get full cooperation of your younger brother and sisters.


Beginning of the year would generally not be so auspicious for children perspective. Your worries about problems and hindrances for health education and employment of your children will be added up.

In the later half of the year, better time period would be experienced and your worries about children be completely come to an end. Newlyweds could be blessed with offspring. There would be reformations for health and education of your children.


Beginning of the year would not be so much favorable for health perspective. There would be problems due to weather borne diseases because of effect of Jupiter in Eighth House. Improve your daily routine along with food habits. Take regular exercises and practice Yoga in the morning while inhaling fresh air. Do not have any mental tension because of any economic aspect or opponent.

In the latter half of year, your health would be well and steady. You would have positive thoughts in your mind because of aspect of benefic planet on Ascendant. Interest in religious activities would be augmented as a result you would be mentally more contented.

Career and Competition

Beginning of the year would be an average period for competitive examination point of view. Incessant and untiring hard work is indispensable for success.

If you intend to have admission is higher profile institution for higher education, success would accrue in later half of the year. Those who have not yet been absorbed in some job might have to wait for some more time.

Travel and Transfer

This year would be of average grade for journey perspective. In the beginning of the year Saturn in Seventh House could journeys for professionals in relation to their professions.

You could enjoy a foreign travel because of effect of Jupiter on Twelfth House. In the later half of the year you would have pilgrimages along with visit to your birth place.

Religious Deeds and Propitiation of Planets

Beginning of the year would not be so muchauspicious for religious deeds. Jupiter in Eighth House causes hindrances in religious deeds. Due to mental conflicts there would be no concentration in worship and devotion. Your mental faculties would be attracted towards religious deeds in the latter half of the year. You would respect your spiritual guides, follow their preaching and help the poor.

  1. Serve a Brahman, deity, Elderly people, Religious instructor and priest of a temple.
  2. Donate banana or yellow item in charity.
  3. Observe fast on Sunday and distribute Besanladdu in Charity.
  4. Recite “Vishnushahastranaam” path every day.

Free Cancer Yearly Horoscope Astrology for 2022 Ends Here.