This page provides shubh muhurat to sell a house in March 2030. This page provides you which date is good and which is bad to sell a house. Below chart contains the auspicious days of year to sell a house in March 2030.
Date | Day | Time From | To | % | Tithi | Rasi | Nak | Yoga | Karan | Sun Sign | Mon Hse |
March,2030 | |||||||||||
04-03-2030 | Monday | 13:37 | 14:30 | 79% | S 1 | Aquarius | P Bhad | Sidha | Kinstughna | Aquarius | 9 |
06-03-2030 | Wednesday | 16:23 | 17:11 | 75% | S 3 | Pisces | Revati | Shukla | Taitila | Aquarius | 9 |
07-03-2030 | Thursday | 10:36 | 12:10 | 91% | S 3 | Pisces | Revati | Shukla | Gara | Aquarius | 11 |
12:32 | 13:37 | 86% | S 3 | Pisces | Revati | Shukla | Gara | Aquarius | 10 | ||
14:46 | 15:44 | 82% | S 3 | Pisces | Revati | Brahma | Gara | Aquarius | 9 | ||
23-03-2030 | Saturday | 11:46 | 13:43 | 86% | K 5 | Libra | Visakha | Harshan | Kaulava | Pisces | 5 |
16:04 | 17:45 | 81% | K 5 | Libra | Visakha | Vajra | Kaulava | Pisces | 3 | ||
24-03-2030 | Sunday | 09:29 | 11:25 | 91% | K 6 | Scorpio | Anuradha | Vajra | Gara | Pisces | 7 |
11:25 | 13:39 | 86% | K 6 | Scorpio | Anuradha | Sidhi | Gara | Pisces | 6 | ||
13:39 | 16:00 | 85% | K 6 | Scorpio | Anuradha | Sidhi | Gara | Pisces | 5 |
Shubh Muhurat for Come To A Compromise for march 2030 Ends Here.