This page has collection of auspicious date for marriage ceremony shudh. According to astrologer marriage ceremony shudh should be held on auspicious muhurat for better life. Below chart contains the auspicious days for marriage ceremony shudh in year 2026.
Shubh Muhurat For Marriage Ceremony Shudh 2026 |
Date | Time |
February,2026 |
3/2/2026 | 08:14-12:41 |
14:37-19:12 | |
6/2/2026 | 07:37-08:02 |
09:29-14:25 | |
16:40-19:00 | |
10/2/2026 | 09:14-10:39 |
12:14-18:44 | |
11/2/2026 | 07:42-10:35 |
12/2/2026 | 16:16-18:37 |
13/02/2026 | 07:34-12:02 |
13:58-18:33 | |
15/02/2026 | 08:54-13:50 |
16:04-18:25 | |
20/02/2026 | 07:26-09:59 |
11:35-18:05 | |
21/02/2026 | 15:41-18:01 |
March,2026 |
5/3/2026 | 07:43-12:39 |
14:54-19:31 | |
8/3/2026 | 08:56-14:42 |
10/3/2026 | 14:34-16:54 |
12/3/2026 | 07:16-10:16 |
12:12-19:04 | |
14/03/2026 | 10:08-12:04 |
14:18-18:56 | |
20/03/2026 | 06:56-08:09 |
09:44-16:15 | |
25/03/2026 | 07:50-13:35 |
29/03/2026 | 15:40-17:57 |
30/03/2026 | 07:39-09:05 |
11:01-15:36 | |
April,2026 |
4/4/2026 | 07:10-12:56 |
15:16-19:50 | |
6/4/2026 | 17:25-19:42 |
8/4/2026 | 06:55-08:30 |
10:25-17:18 | |
10/4/2026 | 12:32-17:10 |
11/4/2026 | 06:43-10:14 |
12:28-14:49 | |
15/04/2026 | 16:50-19:06 |
20/04/2026 | 07:43-09:38 |
11:53-18:19 | |
21/04/2026 | 07:39-09:34 |
11:49-18:43 | |
26/04/2026 | 09:15-16:07 |
28/04/2026 | 07:11-09:07 |
11:21-18:15 | |
29/04/2026 | 07:07-09:03 |
11:17-18:11 | |
May,2026 |
3/5/2026 | 07:39-13:22 |
15:39-20:15 | |
4/5/2026 | 06:48-10:58 |
6/5/2026 | 08:35-15:27 |
8/5/2026 | 06:32-08:27 |
10:42-13:02 | |
13/05/2026 | 06:12-12:43 |
15:00-19:36 | |
14/05/2026 | 06:08-12:39 |
14:56-18:23 | |
June,2026 |
19/06/2026 | 14:51-19:29 |
21/06/2026 | 10:09-12:27 |
14:43-17:02 | |
22/06/2026 | 16:58-19:17 |
23/06/2026 | 07:41-14:35 |
24/06/2026 | 14:31-16:51 |
27/06/2026 | 07:25-09:46 |
12:03-18:57 | |
July,2026 |
1/7/2026 | 09:30-11:47 |
16:23-18:42 | |
2/7/2026 | 07:06-11:43 |
7/7/2026 | 06:46-09:06 |
11:24-18:18 | |
8/7/2026 | 06:42-09:03 |
11:20-18:14 | |
11/7/2026 | 15:44-20:06 |
12/7/2026 | 06:27-13:20 |
15:40-19:36 | |
November,2026 |
20/11/2026 | 11:27-16:02 |
17:37-19:30 | |
21/11/2026 | 07:20-09:19 |
11:23-15:58 | |
17:33-18:20 | |
26/11/2026 | 09:00-14:13 |
15:38-18:17 | |
30/11/2026 | 13:58-16:58 |
December,2026 |
1/12/2026 | 07:27-10:44 |
2/12/2026 | 12:22-18:46 |
3/12/2026 | 07:29-12:18 |
4/12/2026 | 07:30-12:14 |
5/12/2026 | 15:03-18:34 |
6/12/2026 | 08:20-13:34 |
10/12/2026 | 11:51-16:19 |
12/12/2026 | 07:35-10:01 |
13:11-18:06 | |
18/12/2026 | 09:37-14:12 |
15:47-19:57 | |
19/12/2026 | 09:33-14:08 |
15:43-17:39 | |
22/12/2026 | 12:31-15:31 |
28/12/2026 | 07:44-08:58 |
10:40-15:08 | |
30/12/2026 | 07:44-10:32 |
12:00-16:56 | |
31/12/2026 | 07:45-10:28 |
11:56-16:52 | |
Shubh Muhurat For Marriage Ceremony Shudh for Year 2026 Ends Here.