What is Tantra ?

What is Tantra ?

It contains the whole concept of Hinduism as tantra is an extremely important doctrine in which all the philosophical and principles are involved for the attainment of enlightment. Tantra is pre-Vedic. ‘Tan’ means to expand and ‘Tra” means to protect. It is to protect expansion of self awareness. It represents one of the earliest forms of worshipping mother Goddess, whose original symbol is upright Triangle, which represents fecundity. The female principle was later represented by the inverted Triangle which actually worshipped as Sri Chakra also known as Shri Yantra.

What is Tantra ?

It is does not renounce worldly life, nor practice asceticism but makes use of human impulses and energy with apparent detachment. Tantric practices culminate in a state of mind totally independent of the bonds of human existence. It makes use of Triguya- the three mysterious forces that is the spirit, the speech, the body. All these three forces focus on enlightment. The spirit is represented by the yantra which is a mandala; the speech by the mantra; and the body by the yoga asanas, physical exercises i.e. all methods of awakening human body.

Tantra is concerned mainly with the body, it holds that individual contains within himself all the essential dimensions of the cosmos and that the universe unfolds itself in the development of individual. The universe though represents separation, diffusion, expansion but the individual represents focusing and compactness. When union occurs or is successful a mystical event takes place and there is self realization.

It contains the whole concept of Hinduism as tantra is an extremely important doctrine in which all the philosophical and principles are involved for the attainment of enlightment. Tantra is pre-Vedic. ‘Tan’ means to expand and ‘Tra” means to protect. It is to protect expansion of self awareness. It represents one of the earliest forms of worshipping mother Goddess, whose original symbol is upright Triangle, which represents fecundity. The female principle was later represented by the inverted Triangle which actually worshipped as Sri Chakra also known as Shri Yantra.

It is does not renounce worldly life, nor practice asceticism but makes use of human impulses and energy with apparent detachment. Tantric practices culminate in a state of mind totally independent of the bonds of human existence. It makes use of Triguya- the three mysterious forces that is the spirit, the speech, the body. All these three forces focus on enlightment. The spirit is represented by the yantra which is a mandala; the speech by the mantra; and the body by the yoga asanas, physical exercises i.e. all methods of awakening human body.

Tantra is concerned mainly with the body, it holds that individual contains within himself all the essential dimensions of the cosmos and that the universe unfolds itself in the development of individual. The universe though represents separation, diffusion, expansion but the individual represents focusing and compactness. When union occurs or is successful a mystical event takes place and there is self realization.

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