What is OM or AUM ?

What is OM or AUM

It is regarded as the primal sound which reverberated in the creation of the universe. It is therefore considered holiest and most powerful mantra and is known as paramatma or God. Being the supreme mantra , it must precede all other mantra, otherwise the latter won’t have the power or presence of divine power. It is usually written as Om, the actually mystic syllable is A-U-M heard in a deep meditative voice. It pervades and permeates the whole cosmos; it is inherent in life and is linked with human procreation. It is mother Goddess manifesting symbol.

What is OM or AUM ?

Its articulation must precede any work undertaken, gor it stands at the beginning of creation, its nurturing, preservation and its absorption, not dissolution. This corresponds to three elements-gunas created by Big-Bang; the spirit mind body representing the Hindu trinity of Brahma Vishnu Shiva so it must be uttered with outmost care. When uttered, it purifies and activates certain forces in the human body and helps transcend worldly problems. It is regarded to have existed before and after creation, it is imperishable and therefore the symbol of the infinite. It represents entire manifested and unmanifested world.

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