What is Chandra Yantra, Mantra, Puja, Effect, Remedy?

Chandra Yantra

Chandra YantraWhat is Chandra Yantra, Mantra, Puja, Effect, Remedy? -Pandit.com

icon3The Indian astrology focuses on planetary movements in your life-cycle. The position of moon matters in case your personality does not bring in essential qualities within you. This yantra will help you to acquire a great mental balance and peace. This yantra will energize your powers and strengthen you from within. If you place this yantra inside your temple, you could very well be happy and satisfied. The yantra is mostly embossed on a copper plate which will have silver lining attached predicting the color of moon. Your horoscope needs to be checked via an astrologer who will be in a better position to guide you in this journey. He would suggest you ways to worship this yantra. This yantra primarily pleases the Moon. If the moon shows sudden unpleasantly movements on your horoscope, you could be assured of a negative impact on your daily life. The Chandra yantra will also bless people, who are planning to get married, in case of relationship, friendship etc.

icon1What is Geometry of the Chandra Yantra?

This yantra needs to be installed on a copper plate. You also have to place lord shiva’s picture besides the imprint. It should be affixed on the wall or worshipped every Monday between 5:30 and 6:30 am. This yantra will destroy all kinds of evil forces and provide strength via Davik Shakti. The two inverted triangles along with two squares represent air and fire respectively. There are no dots in this yantra but the patterns are made in gold. Worshipping this yantra will bring in peace, happiness and sensitive emotions.


How to do Chandra Yantra Puja and remedy Process?

You will first have to purify yourself before you head to the pooja area. Keep a positive frame of mind. Cleanse yourself and sprinkle some water on the deity. You must then lit a diya lamp and place some flowers as well as dry sweets. Keep a small tumbler of water besides the altar. After sprinkling water on yourself and deity you could begin chanting the mantra. You can chant “Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram mam Priyam Hey tripure Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam” 21 times every Monday.

Simply close your eyes and ask for your deep desires. You can do this in your own language too. You could also pray and ask for your problems to be subsided.

What are Materials Needed for puja?

  • Water
  • Leaf
  • Fruits
  • Yellow Flowers
  • Jiggery
  • Mat
  • Copper plate
  • Incense sticks

What is mantra for Chandra yantra?

You can chant 21 times every Monday.

icon4“Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram mam Priyam Hey tripure Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam”

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