What are Lal Kitab debts

What are Lal Kitab debts

What are Lal Kitab debts?

Lal Kitab says that karmas of the previous birth are calculated to know the effect of planets in new birth. It is said that karma of previous birth are brought in next birth as debts and Rinas. Next birth’s life is completely dependent on the deeds of previous birth. Our bad deeds are noticed as debts in our life. These debts are not solved in the same birth but all the reactions for them are seen in next birth. There are different types of Rinas in one’s life such as mother’s debts, father’s debts, self debts, brother’s debts, daughter’s debts, relative’s debts, nature’s debts, women’s debts etc. There are remedies provided in Lal Kitab that are helpful in getting rid of such debts.  Effects of these debts are auspicious and inauspicious both. It is better to take help of remedies.

Explanation of debts and remedies is as follows:

  • Forefather’s Debt:

In Lal Kitab it is mentioned that when combination of Venus, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu is found in 2nd, 5th, 9th or 12th house of the kundali then chances of father debt is possible for native. The reason behind this debt is that there may be destruction of the temple or peeple tree may be cut by the native.

Remedy: Water peeple tree for 43 days regularly.

Make a collection from the members of family and donate the collected amount in the temple.

  • Self Debt:

According to Lal Kitab, this debt causes in the native’s horoscope when Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Venus or other combination of tem is resided into fifth house of the kundali.  There may be a reason behind this debt that family or forefathers of the native does not followed the traditional ritual and customs of the almighty.

Remedy: Performing Surya yagna is helpful in getting rid of this debt. There should be contribution of all the family members in the Yagna.

  • Mother’s Debt:

In the Lal Kitab, it is mentioned that native is afflicted with this debt when Ketu is positioned in the forth house of the kundali of the native. Reason behind this is considered that may be your forefather has ignored the needs of his mother after his married life. He may be continued neglecting her after birth of his child. This made his mother sad and distressed.

Remedy: Dropping a silver coin in the flowing water like river is a helpful remedy for this.

  • Brother’s or relative’s debt:

Subject to Lal Kitab it is mention that native faces Brother’s debt when planet Mercury or Venus are positioned in the first or eighth house of the kundali of the native. Reason behind this debt is associated with the possible chances of a deed of your forefather that he may be fired crops or house of the friend or relative to create issues among brothers. There is one more reason associated with this is that may be your father was away from the house on some family occasion like birthday and festival.

Remedy: Donation of medicines in the charity is helpful as a remedy.

  • Woman’s Debt:

In Lal Kitab, it is subjected that Woman debt occurs in the kundali of native when Sun, Moon or Rahu are positioned in the seventh or second house of the horoscope. This debt is found when there is the possibility of killing wife or some other women from the family. This murder may be because of some extra marital affair or it may be killing a pregnant woman.

Remedy: Feeding 100 cows with green grass or fodder in a single day.

  • Daughter’s Debt:

According to facts of Lal Kitab, a native is afflicted by daughter’s debt when position of Moon is in third or sixth house of the Kundali of native. Reason for this debt is that there may be possible chances of murder of someone’s sister, mother or daughter. It may be someone’s unmarried sister also.

Remedy: Purchasing and burning of yellow cowdies that are small seashells into ashes. Throw this ash in the flowing water like river on the same day.

  • Unborn Debt:

 According to the fact of Lal Kitab, native is afflicted by the unborn debt when Venus, Mars or Sun is positioned in the twelfth house of the horoscope of the native. Reason behind this debt is meant to be betraying of in-laws or other relatives.

 Remedy: Coconut should be offered in the flowing water like river.

  • Nature’s Debt:

 In Lal Kitab It is mentioned that native is affected with this debt when Mars or Moon is       positioned in the sixth house of the kundali. Reason behind this debt is associated as there may be the possibility of killing of betraying nephews or dogs.

 Remedy: Feeding of 100 dogs with milk products like kheer in a single day is a helpful remedy. Get the blessings of a widow by serving her.

  • Cruelty Debt:

In Lal Kitab it is mentioned about Cruelty debt that it is afflicted in native’s horoscope when Moon, Sun or mars is posited in the eleventh or the tenth house of the Kundali of the native. Reason behind this debt is subjected to the possibility of grabbing the land or house of forefathers forcefully. It may be possible that dues were not paid to the owners.

Remedy: 100 fishes and 100 laborers should be feed in a single day on different places.

This is all about the debts and remedies provided in Lal Kitab. These remedies are helpful in getting rid of harmful effects.