Taurus Yearly Horoscope For 2025

Taurus Yearly Horoscope For 2025

“Free Taurus Yearly Horoscope For 2025″

In the beginning of the year Saturn would be in 10th house in Aquarius and Rahu would be in 11th in Pisces and on 29th March Saturn would move into 11th house in Pisces. On 30th May Rahu would move into Aquarius in 10th house. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in 1st house in Taurus and on 14th May it would move into Gemini in 2nd house and after that it would enter into sign Cancer in 3rd house with rapid motion and then again it would move into Gemini sign in 2nd house on 4th December.


Professionally it would turn out to be an excellent year. The combined impact of Jupiter and Saturn of transit in the beginning of the year on 7th house is promising success in business. The time period is auspicious for starting any new business. You will create new business plans to consolidate your business.

Your destiny would also support you as a result of which you would be getting success in short time. Partnership venture and share market investment both are beneficial. Those doing job are likely to get promoted and they can expect support of seniors especially after May.

Wealth, Property

Financially it would be a great year indeed. The progress in business shall bring in financial gains. The 11th house Rahu is beneficial for big and sudden gains. You shall earn gains from elder brothers. After May you shall be getting jewelry. You would get your blocked money and as a result there shall be an increase in your savings.

You would be spending money on auspicious ceremonies. It shall be a good year for investment. You are advised to take guidance of experienced people. After 14th May the chances ofsudden gains are more.

House, Family and Society

The beginning of the year is excellent for good relations with spouse. There would be an atmosphere of love, laughter, harmony and peace at home. There would be strong emotional bonding and cooperation among all family members.

After May the number of family members would increase. You would be getting support of your elder brothers as a result of which social reputation would enhance. After 30th May the tensions related to mother’s health might worry you. Your relations with in-laws would remain intact and they will cooperate with you.


This is going to be an excellent year for your children and therefore they would attain reasonable progress especially in the field of education. For newly wedded people it is an auspicious Muhurta for conceiving.

If your children are of marriageable age then they will get married. The time period is suitable for your 2nd child also. They will be successful in their work area and the good news regarding the accomplishment of some mile stone would pour in.


Your health would remain perfectly fit and in addition to that you would remain mentally satisfied. Your positive thinking would motivate you to perform your task in a positive manner. For good health you would pay due attention to follow healthy and nutritious diet chart and disciplined daily routine.

If some trivial health problems intervene then also you need not worry as quick restoration of health is predictive. The time period ahead is auspicious after the transit of Jupiter for the enhancement of your immunity.

Career and Competition

This year is favorable for getting success in competitive examinations. You would be able to get admission in reputed premier educational institute.

After 14th May success in competitive examinations can be expected and it would result in getting employment.

Travel and Transfer

In the beginning of the year you would be going on long journeys.

The transit of Saturn in 12th house would create opportunities for abroad travel. After May you would be taking interest in visiting watery places like sea beaches and lakes etc.

Religious Deeds and Propitiation of Planets

In the beginning of the year is auspicious for religious activities like meditation, Yoga, breathing exercises, Pooja and hawan etc.

  1. You would be doing Meditation with Mantra.
  2. Establish sriyantra at home and chant srisuktam and laxmisuktam in front of it daily.

Free Taurus Yearly Horoscope Astrology for 2025 Ends Here.

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