Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope For December 2021

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope For December 2021

“Free Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope For December 2021″

Sagittarius Health Horoscope

You will have to fend for yourself this month, in keeping up your own well- being, since there is support for you from dame fortune. You will be led to some highly uncongenial people and places this month, causing adverse effect on your health. This is because the state of your health would be determined to a large extent by the nature of your general surroundings.

You must therefore, resolve to stay away from such people and places. If you do this properly, a major portion of your problems would be solved. A somewhat difficult period no doubt, but one which you can tide over with little extra care.

Sagittarius Finance Forecast

This month the combination of stars facing you is none too favourable for your financial prospects, and your efforts would bear little fruit, despite your association with several people of learning. Most of you, may have to struggle quite a bit to realize your anticipated objectives and even then achieve little success.

Writers, painters, and other artists would do well to make allowances for a lean period, because that is a distinct possibility. Further, the climate would remain far from congenial for investment and the launching of new ventures. These could easily get stuck. Overall, a month during which you should maintain a low profile and wait for the adverse period to be over.

Sagittarius Career and Profession Predictions

A month during which there is hardly anything encouraging for your career prospects in the augury from the stars. There is a distinct possibility of tension and serious differences of opinion with your superiors. Try to anticipate trouble spots and work hard to avert trouble.

There would be a good deal of hard work, but even this would not ensure realization of expected gains. These would finally elude you. There is some consolation in that the association with gifted people of learning might deliver minor material advantages to you, and also give much mental satisfaction. This apart, there is very little of a favourable nature.

Sagittarius Education Horoscope

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars in so far as your educational efforts are concerned. Most of you could well find themselves struggling quite hard for good results. Those pursuing accountancy or law should be prepared for a lot of extra effort.

Some of you could also be negatively influenced in a manner that would make you self-assertive and headstrong making it difficult to learn from your teachers. There may be problems of various sorts for those going in for higher education. Further, those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since this may well turn out to be the deciding factor.

Sagittarius Travel Forecast

An excellent month to reap a rich harvest of gains from travel, since the augury from stars is quite encouraging on this score. There are strong indications that any trip abroad, during this period would prove to be singularly beneficial to you. Those who have had such trips on the cards for some time should undertake one, at this point of time.

Most of you would also travel quite a bit, within the country by rail or by road, in the pursuit of business or official ends. In these efforts also, success is indicated. Generally speaking, travel would be pleasant and gainful for you.

Sagittarius Family Prospects

This month the affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing since the stars are none too favourably placed. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would develop serious tension in your relations with your brothers. This could even lead to an extremely unpleasant situation. Remain patient and refuse to get provoked into any kind of confrontation.

Further, there is the possibility of strained relations with your maternal relatives. This would in fact apply to the family atmosphere as a whole, which would remain tension-ridden. Pay special attention to children, since their affairs should be closely monitored.

Sagittarius Children Predictions

A month during which the affairs of your children are unlikely to fare too well, since most of the stellar influences on this score are not favourable. There is a distinct possibility that the wards of some of you would get into serious conflict with their teachers, with all the accompanying problems. Parents should step in to firmly discipline their wards and avert disaster.

The performance of most of them would also not inspire too much confidence. Those for going in for higher education or studying law or accountancy would have a particularly rough time. However, parents should see that they persevere in their pursuits and help whenever necessary.

Free Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope Astrology for December 2021 Ends Here.