Pisces Monthly Horoscope For February 2017

Pisces Monthly Horoscope For February 2017

“Free Pisces Monthly Horoscope For February 2017″

Pisces Health Horoscope

This month the augury from the stars is quite favourable for your health. However, there is a note of caution to be sounded to warn you against over-exertion. This must be avoided because if neglected the problems could somewhat into one massive health problems. You should set about the task of drawing out a schedule of activity which does not unduly strain your system.

Having done this you must stick to such a schedule firmly. This is in fact the solution to most of your problems. There is the further likelihood of some trouble from bouts of muscular cramps. This would however, be quite brief. A beneficial month, where you do not have any serious worry.

Pisces Finance Forecast

The configuration of stars facing you, is not very congenial for your financial advancement this month, and if you do not exercise caution, may well see you several rungs below your present status. Some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would egg you on to severely exploit your juniors, workers, or just simply people below you in the social strata for personal benefit.

This is bound to boomerang on you, and would create an extremely unpleasant situation from which you will not be able to extricate yourself easily. Curb such tendencies firmly. The climate would also not be favourable for investment or for new enterprises. You must therefore, not go in for either.

Pisces Career and Profession Predictions

Fairly bright prospects for professional advancement during the coming month. You would go for your goals with business like efficiency and achieve much success. True, that you would tend to work very hard, but the ample rewards will not make the effort seem to be a burden.

Whether in business or service, all of you would be fully secure. Though your work may not satisfy you as much as you would have liked it to, still no problems would arise on this score. There would also be a good deal of travel of an extremely beneficial nature. The most favourable direction would be west. There is an outside chance that some of you would be tempted to operate outside the law for quick profit. Firmly restrain this tendency.

Pisces Education Horoscope

Nothing very encouraging about the augury from the stars in so far as your educational prospects are concerned. Most of you would lack the drive and motivation necessary to get to the top. This would take away the decisive competitive edge from your efforts.

Therefore, those sitting for any competitive examination should go in for special coaching, since this could well be the deciding factor for success. Further, some of you may be adversely influenced in a manner that would make you self- assertive and headstrong with your teachers and seniors. You must guard against such tendencies.

Pisces Travel Forecast

A month during which the prospect of gains from travel are from bright, since the augury from the stars is not very helpful. Your job or business would require that you undertake a fair amount of travel. These efforts, however, would not be very rewarding since the turn of events would be unfavourable.

You would travel alone and almost entirely by road and by rail. The most favourable direction would be East, though this month gains for this too would not measure up to expectations. Further, there is a likelihood of an injury on some other sojourns. Take precautions and minimize risk.

Pisces Family Prospects

Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars this month so far as your family welfare is concerned. Some of you would develop serious tensions in your relations with your brothers. You must remain patient and refuse to get provoked into any sort of a confrontation.

Further, you must curb any tendency towards groundless suspicions for this can bring your relations with your spouse to a point of no return. Discipline yourself in a manner so as to inoculate a tolerant and open frame of mind. Children too, would add to your worries. Their performance in studies and gains etc may not be up to the mark. Supervise their activities carefully and much more closely.

Pisces Children Predictions

Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your children’s prospects are concerned. The behaviour of the wards of most of you would leave much to be desired. Those who are prone to disregarding instructions may get into fights with their brother. Parents should deal with this very firmly.

Nor would any of them do too well at studies. Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching. The saving grace of the month could be the fine performance of at least some of them.

Free Pisces Monthly Horoscope Astrology for February 2017 Ends Here.

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