Leo Monthly Horoscope For November 2023

Leo Monthly Horoscope For November 2023

“Free Leo Monthly Horoscope For November 2023″

Leo Health Horoscope

This month the combination of stars facing you is quite helpful to your health. Those with sensitive chest or lungs, and predisposed to ailments in this area, are likely to get significant relief from their troubles. There is some danger of exhaustion and accompanying debility caused by over-exertion.

This you surely and simply could avoid by not unduly exerting yourself. This done, all will be well. This would also help you get over the possibility of some nervous disorders that exists, though somewhat of an outside chance. Take care and you can make sure of remaining in the pink of health throughout the month. Pay a little more care to the health of your teeth.

Leo Finance Forecast

The picture of your financial prospects, as it emerges from the augury from the stars is far from bright. Writers, poets and others of their ilk would do well to make provisions for the rainy day, for they are likely to face an extremely lean spell during this coming month.

Indications are that some of you would suffer considerable losses owing to speculative activity. The lesson is obvious : stay away from gambling of any sort. There is also the likelihood of your relations with your superiors, deteriorating to a level that serious losses would become probable. This you should avoid, by a certain amount of advance action.

Leo Career and Profession Predictions

There is nothing very auspicious about the augury for your professional advancement this month. There is a strong likelihood of serious differences of with your superiors. You must avert such an eventuality by trying to anticipate difficult spots and working your way round these.

Further, you would be gripped by a sense of insecurity throughout thismonth. This would effect your entire professional conduct. You would be somewhat unstable, and attempt to change your job or business operation, any change you undertake should be carried out after due and serious deliberation. You would also work very hard, and chances are that despite this that the realization of your planned objectives would not come about.

Leo Education Horoscope

This month your pursuits in education may get bogged down in difficulties, since you hardly have any support from the stars. All examination results this month, for most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Those appearing for competitive examinations should therefore, go in for extra coaching well in advance.

Even then, this may prove to be an uphill task. Technical students and those pursuing journalism and accountancy would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the vagaries of fortune.

Leo Travel Forecast

A good month to reap a rich harvest of gains from travel, since the augury from the stars is quite encouraging on this count. Writers, poets and others of their ilk would find new inspiration and meaning from travel.

You should tend to travel alone mostly by rail and by road with a fair measure of air travel. Further, a foreign trip cannot be ruled out. Part of this travel would be related to your job or business and the rest for other reasons. Whatever the aim, it is quite certain that you would be able to realize it through your sojourns. East is the most favourable direction.

Leo Family Prospects

During the coming month, the stars are not very helpfully placed, holding out little cheer for the prospects of your family welfare. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would have serious differences with the elders of the family, leading to extremely unpleasant situations.

Even otherwise, the family atmosphere would not be very pleasant, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Such circumstances would adversely effect the children. Pay special attention to them. Financially also, you all may not do too well. Under the circumstances, plan your expenses carefully.

Leo Children Predictions

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. The performance of the wards of most of you would tend to be below average. This may become a cause for concern. It would in any case be necessary to go in for extra coaching in quite a few cases.

Those sitting for any competitive examination would also require extra coaching, since this would be very necessary for positive results. There is also the likelihood of serious disputes with servants and such people. Parents should keep a tight sight on their wards, wherever they see undue indiscipline.

Free Leo Monthly Horoscope Astrology for November 2023 Ends Here.