Gemini Yearly Horoscope For 2023

Gemini Yearly Horoscope For 2023

“Free Gemini Yearly Horoscope For 2023″

This year on April 22 Jupiter would enter Aries Sign Eleventh House, on January 17, Saturn in Aquarius Sign Ninth House and on November 22 Rahu in Pisces Sign Tenth House. On January 13, Retrograde Mars would turn direct and transit with its normal motion throughout the year. Venus would remain combust from August 04 to August 18.


This year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. In the beginning of the year you would draw significant gains from domain of your profession. You would be able to provide new directions to your profession because of having association with an experienced person. There could be promotion in service in the beginning of the year.

After April 22, Jupiter being in Eleventh House would cause gains from your business. This time period is auspicious for profession in partnership. After November 22, Rahu being in Tenth House indicates promotion in service and transfer all of a sudden. This transfer is service would be at your desired place.

Wealth, Property

Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. There would be incessant flow of money but you spend lavishly on modes of physical comforts and conveniences. There are indications for gaining land, building, vehicle and gem stones due to the aspectual effect of Jupiter on Second and Fourth Houses.

After April 22, Jupiter would transit Eleventh House. At that time you could get back your prolonged blocked money. This year there would be abundant gains and you are able to have desired savings. The solutions for prolonging economic problems from sometime would also start pouring in. This time period is auspicious for investment. There would be expenditure on auspicious ceremonies like marriage of brother, sister or son.

House, Family and Society

This year would be auspicious if viewed from family perspective. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in your family because of auspicious aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fourth House. You would be bagging cooperation of the family. There would be reformation in ways of dialogues, conversations and behaviors also.

After April 22, you would succeed in your love affairs. You would have melodious relations with your spouse. Because of aspectual effect of Jupiter on Third House, your social prestige would experience an enhancement. This year is exceedingly auspicious for the progress of the children.


Your Children would climb the ladder of success by dint of their hard work and attain aims and objectives on the basis of their mental capabilities. After April 22, auspicious aspect of Jupiter on Fifth House might bestow newlyweds with offspring. This period is auspicious for impregnation.

This year would be particularly progressive and joy bestowing upon your children. You would have happy news about your first child. More interest would be inculcated for studies. If your child is of marriageable age, he/she would solemnize his/her marriage.


This year would be auspicious for health point of view. You would also have mental balance and satisfaction. On April 22, Jupiter would transit Eleventh House. There is no indication for any prolonged disease this year.

Being transit of Jupiter at an auspicious place you would stick to vegetarian diet for maintaining good health. You would learn practicing Yoga along with techniques of meditation. You would be capable of boosting up immunity in your body.

Career and Competition

This year would be highly favorable for competitive examinations perspective. The competitive candidates would get success as Jupiter and Saturn both have aspect on Sixth House. Those who are in search of employment might get some jobs or services.

After April 22, time period is much favorable for students who are ambitious for professional education; students would develop more interest towards their studies. At this time if you undertake you studies with full concentration and devotion then you would achieve your aims and objectives positively.

Travel and Transfer

This year would be favorable journey perspective. Saturn in Ninth House could cause long journeys for you. In the beginning of the year, there might be visit to place of birth.

After April 22, you would have short and profession related journeys. There would be more chances for all a sudden journeys rather than pre-planned ones.

Religious Deeds and Propitiation of Planets

This year would be favorable for religious deeds. Saturn at Dharmsthan (Ninth House) is adding to your spiritual knowledge. After April 22, aspect of Jupiter on Fifth House would arouse your faith, reverence and devotion for god intensely. Recite “Shree Sookta” (Shree Hymn) and Laxmi Sookta (Laxmi Hymn) every day.

  1. Observe fast on Friday.
  2. Keep your house neat, clean, pious and sanctified in every way.
  3. To maintain purity and constructively in your house go on performing worship, oblation (Hawan) and worshiping of the gods by moving a lighted lamp or camphor circularly round the idol (Aarti) every day.

Free Gemini Yearly Horoscope Astrology for 2023 Ends Here.

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