Gemini Monthly Horoscope For November 2018

Gemini Monthly Horoscope For November 2018

“Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope For November 2018″

Gemini Health Horoscope

A month during which you have the blessings of dame fortune to keep you fairly healthy and strong, both in mind and body. There are grounds to which the onset of even a minor affliction requires care and immediate medication.

This would merely guard against the possibility of sudden acute illness like fever and inflammatory conditions, which are under check in any case this month. Still a measure of normal care would do no harm. The possibility of an eye infection can also not be totally ruled. But this would be in respect to treatment, and cause no worry. Overall, a good month from your health point of view.

Gemini Finance Forecast

Nothing very favourable about the augury, for your financial prospects this month. Any dispute or litigation that you might be engaged in is bound to be decided against you. Therefore, you must work hard to get the decision deferred to a later and perhaps more favourable period.

In fact, most of you would find it impossible to realize planned gains, because of a set of unfavourable circumstances. Even small gains may be difficult to come by. Therefore, it would be a wise policy to make some allowances well in advance. Quite obviously, in such a scenario the climate would not be congenial for investment or new ventures.

Gemini Career and Profession Predictions

A month that has little of an encouraging nature for your career prospects. Even though the work-load may be light, working conditions would be far from pleasant. There are chances that despite your best efforts, you may not be able to realize anticipated gains.

There would be a lot of travel, but this too will not be very fruitful, though there is some chance that a sojourn towards the east may prove marginally beneficial. Contacts, and influential friends, too, would be unable to help in any significant manner. Overall a month during which no improvement or gains may come your way, and during which you should be patient.

Gemini Education Horoscope

This will be an excellent month for a large number of people with different temperaments in so far as their educational pursuits are concerned. Those studying for some technical or medical degree would fare very well. In fact, in areas demanding skill and dexterity with their hands some of you could well match up significant success.

Those studying dance, drama, music, painting, sculpture and the other fine arts would have an extremely productive spell, when they would be able to create wonderfully well in their respective areas. This month most of you would also be blessed with a clear, sharp, inquiring mind, when your mental faculties would perform above average.

Gemini Travel Forecast

During the coming month, you might find yourself in a situation when your travels just do not fulfil your expectations since the augury from the stars is none too favourable on this score. The turns of events would make it incumbent upon you to undertake travel for business purposes most of which would be on road or by rail.

However, your objectives would not be realized and expenses may add to your woes. It is also likely that a few among you may take a trip abroad, which too could prove to be no good in terms of profit. A family holiday may also turn out to be wasteful.

Gemini Family Prospects

Nothing particularly beneficial in the augury from the stars this month in so far as your family welfare is concerned. There is a definite possibility that the family atmosphere would be vitiated with strife and discord. In fact, those of you who have brothers, could get into serious differences with them. This could lead to an extremely unpleasant situation.

You should, therefore, work your way round the trouble spots and refuse to get involved in any kind of confrontation. Financially, too, you all could be in need most of the time. Pay extra attention to children since their performance both in studies and in extra-curricular activities may show a decline.

Gemini Children Predictions

A month that holds out excellent prospects for your children, most of whom would do exceedingly well in their pursuits, since they are blessed by beneficial stellar influences. Those with leadership qualities would be particularly benefited. Some of them would be leaders of their schools or colleges in some sports, or be elected to an important position in their educational institution.

The performance of most of them would be above average both in studies and in extra curricular activities. There pursuing the fine acts would also be particularly benefited.

Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope Astrology for November 2018 Ends Here.