Gemini Monthly Horoscope For December 2024

Gemini Monthly Horoscope For December 2024

“Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope For December 2024″

Gemini Health Horoscope

A month during which the combination of stars facing you would bless your health in most respects, leaving you very few problems on this score. The focus of all your possible troubles would be your digestive system. Any predisposition to chronic constipation is troublesome this month. This you would have to take precautionary measures to control. Control would be primarily some treatment and more diet control.

The turn of events, it is true would favour you, and you would get actual relief from several ailments. For example if prone to excess of wind, you would experience definite relief. Yet, some precautionary measures would even then be necessary. Just a little precaution and you have no further troubles.

Gemini Finance Forecast

Nothing favourable about the augury from the stars in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There are clear possibilities that some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would goad you on to severely exploiting your juniors, workers or simply people below you in the social strata, for personal ends.

Your efforts would be resisted quite firmly and you might find yourself in the middle of an extremely messy situation. Curb such tendencies, failing which you would have only yourself to blame. The climate would also not be congenial for making investment, or for new ventures. Any such plans should therefore, be shelved for the moment.

Gemini Career and Profession Predictions

This month there are excellent prospects for your career advancement. Though you would tend to work quite hard, the gains would may more than match your effort. Expected gains should be realized. Travel would also generate beneficial results, and any sojourn to the south would be particularly advantageous.

There is the further likelihood of an old person or a female colleague doing you a favour that would boost your career prospects in a big way. You would also handle your subordinate and juniors in a manner that will enable you to derive optimum benefit from their service. This in fact could be the biggest gain of the month.

Gemini Education Horoscope

This month your pursuits in education would tend to flounder quite a bit, since the configuration of stars facing you is not too favourable. Technical students would find themselves working far more than usual and still have difficulty in maintaining their ranking but they must persevere.

Those pursuing languages, journalism and accountancy would face more or less an educational situation. They too must go on patiently. Candidates for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching, since this could determine the difference between success and failure.

Gemini Travel Forecast

A month during which no sizeable gains from travel can be expected, since the stars have so decreed. You would travel within the country and almost entirely by road and by rail. It is also unlikely that you would venture too far out, away from your home.

Business or job related travel would be far from rewarding. Yet, the turn of events would make it incumbent upon you to undertake this in pursuance of your duties. Travel for pleasure, like a family holiday is also indicated, but would be very little fun. South is the most favourable direction.

Gemini Family Prospects

This month the augury from the stars contains a message of good cheer for your family welfare, since Dame fortune is favourably disposed. The elders of the family would be extremely pleased by your conduct and concern, and in turn whole- heartedly bless you. In fact, some of you could expect to gain substantially from these people.

There is the further possibility of someone below you in the social strata doing you a good turn that might well turn out to be a veritable boon. Financially also, you all can expect to do fairly well and can expect a substantial increase in the overall family income. A beneficial month for your family in most ways.

Gemini Children Predictions

Nothing particularly beneficial in the augury from the stars this month in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. This would not be a month of high performances. Most of the wards of you people would tend to do below average at studies. Those studying commerce or accountancy would face a set of particularly adverse circumstances.

Parents must help and provide the necessary encouragement. Those applying for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching and also work hard if they want to succeed. Some of them may also tend to behave in an unruly manner.

Free Gemini Monthly Horoscope Astrology for December 2024 Ends Here.

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