Free Sagittarius Horoscope Predictions for 2016

In the coming year 2016, Sagittarius will make plans for the complete year. Here, look at your destiny in the coming year. These predictions are purely based on the astrology and changing positions of the planets. In 2016, planet Saturn will reside into Scorpio and planet Jupiter will reside into Leo. Rahu will shift into Leo and Ketu will move into Aquarius after 31st of January. The entire destiny related to Sagittarius is written here. Just have a look over it and it will help you to take decisions in 2016. Explore your destiny here:

Family Life Horoscope 2016

There may be major disputes between you and other family members. Keep your anger in control and have a stress free life as it will heel with the time. Relationship with your mother will remain good. You and your spouse will be good for each other. Bond will go strong with mother and spouse. There will be some disputes with brother. You need to handle the situation with intelligence as it will lead to big problems between you and your brother if not solved in time. Gap between relations create a lot of problems. There will be Mahadasha of Ketu which will lead to problems in life. Mahadasha of Saturn also brings problem in life. So this is the time to be alert about them. Relations with father will remain good and you will enjoy his company. Everything will be good after August. Keep calm and enjoy with family.

Health life Horoscope 2016

Health life will not be good this year. You need to be health conscious. Borne disease is going to attack you. It can be attacked through contaminated food or blood of the affected person. So be aware. No need to get stressed after reading this. Just maintain distance and it can be solved by alertness. Eyesight will get affected this year. Number of your specs will increase. People who don’t have specs will be affects by headache and eyes pain and it will lead to wearing specs. Keep control on diet and avoid oily and spicy food. Loss in courage will be there.

Financial Life Horoscope 2016

In 2016, Saturn will reside in the twelfth house of Sagittarius. Saturn is the lord of second house. Under Dasha of Saturn, one needs to be very careful about the activities. There will be expenses on the problems. Keep control on your hand while doing shopping. Avoid excess of expense. Be careful while taking financial decision. Lending money to someone can be harmful. Too much of the trust can be harmful for you. Think twice before trusting anyone.

Personal Life Horoscope 2016

This is the rewarding year for the service persons. After the month of August, there will be high growth in the profits. This is the perfect time for hard working people. There will be extreme support of seniors which will lead to progressive year. Your performance will be pleasing for your career. Your seniors will be happy with your work and they will reward you with some benefits. This all will be going to happen after the month of August. Just be careful about the time before August. There will be unexpected success this year.

Business life Horoscope 2016

There will be good results for the business persons. It is important to take financial decisions very carefully. Carelessness can lead to heavy losses. Don’t be tempered while taking any decision. Maintain decisions from the opponents and enemies. They will try to harm you in business. Don’t take stress and keep calm about such things. This can be inappropriate for sometimes, but time heels everything. Overall you need to be careful.

Love life Horoscope 2016

It is an average year for your love life. You can start your love affair this year. You can face some issues in your love life. Your lover will feel emotional and affection for you. You will share your problems with your lover. Love life will be average this year. Unfavorable time till August and after August love life will be amazing. Handle the situation carefully and with intelligence. You may take next step in relation also.

Some bad dates on which you should be careful:

You need to be careful when your Moon moves into Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio. Avoid taking important decisions at this time. Arguments can take place. Stay away from the arguments. Avoid buying anything during May 15 to May 20, July 16 to August 15, November 16 to December 17. Investment can be a bad decision at this time.

Some remedies which can help you to overcome problems:

Chanting Ramchritra Manas can bring prosperity in your life. Try to keep your thoughts pure. Chanting Ramcharitra Manas can lead to opportunities knocking the door. Good luck can arise by chanting this. Just chant Ram Charitra Manas for a great year and it will keep you away from stress.

Yearly Astrology predictions for Free Sagittarius Horoscope sunsign or zodiac 2016 ends here.