Free Pisces Horoscope Predictions for 2016

In 2016, what is going to happen with Pisces? We are here to provide all the details according to the astrology predictions. Just read all about your love life, professional life, business life, health life, family life, etc. Get all the details about your life in 2016. Planet Saturn will reside into Scorpio and planet Jupiter will reside into Leo in the coming year. After 31st of January, Rahu will shift into Leo and Ketu will reside into Aquarius. Here, read about all the changes which will occur in your life in 2016. These predictions are based on planetary movement and the astrological calculations of the planets. Remedies to deal with the bad planetary situations are also provided here.

Family Life Horoscope 2016

There will be some troubles in your family life till the end of August. Ups and downs in the relations with the members of the family will take place. Less coordination will be there. After August, married life will go smooth. You will enjoy the company of your spouse. Coordination with father will decrease. You will not share your secrets with him. You will feel good to share everything with your mother. Listen to everyone in the family and do what you love to do. Do not try to impose anything on others. You may be in difficulty by imposing your choices on others.

Health Life Horoscope 2016

Till August, you need to be careful in the matter of health. There may be immense issues in your health as you will face Jupiter’s Mahadasha in the coming year. Major issues can arise in the important parts of the body like kidney, intestines, liver. You need to be careful about health and keep consulting your doctor. Take extra care of your eating habits. Avoid over eating and do exercise on regular basis. Prefer doing yoga. If you will not do exercise, there are many chances of health problems.

Financial Life Horoscope 2016

Coming year 2016 is good for your financial status. You will try to hold your hand on expenses. Over expenses will stay away from you. Don’t prefer online shopping till August there can be some loss. So you need to be careful till August. After August, expenses will not be preferred by you and you will be successful in saving money.

Professional life Horoscope 2016

In the starting of year 2016, you may face some troubles but after some time everything will be in favor. There will be so many opportunities in 2016 for getting success and achievements. There will be chances of new and a better job. Don’t leave the job you have now before getting the new one because this may trouble you. If you will leave the current job without another job, you will not get the job for some months and this will trouble you and your family.

Business life Horoscope 2016

There will be extreme chances of profits in business after the month of August. There will be new partners for your business. Investors will invest a good amount in your business. This will lead to the progressive business life in coming year. Don’t trust anyone till the month of august as there are the chances of fraud till August. Trustworthy people can cheat you so it is better not to trust anyone blindly. Dasha of Saturn will lead to amazing profits in 2016. Overall it is a good year for business.

Love life Horoscope 2016

Love life of Pisces will be normal in the coming year. Wait for sometime if you are seeking to tell your feelings to someone you like. Don’t tell your felling till the month of August. There are chances that you will lose your interest in the person you like. So don’t be hurry in exposing the feelings as this can hurt the one after sometime. So take your time till august and then tell about it. There may be troubles in the relationships due to misunderstandings and differences.

Some bad dates on which you should be careful in 2016

Avoid making major decisions from 25 March to 13 August. After 13 August, you can take any decision regarding investments and partnership deals. These decisions will be favorable. At the time when Moon is residing into Libra, you should avoid any journeys. Be careful when moon is residing into Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio. In this phases, be calm and they may lead you to the successful life and many profits.

Some remedies which can help you to overcome problems in 2016

Keep fast on Thursdays as this will help you to fetch goodness in you. For the prosperity in life, offer yellow grains to the cow on Thursday. Donating yellow clothes on Thursday to the priest or some poor also help as a useful remedy. These three remedies are very helpful to overcome the troubles and leads to a happier and prosperous life.

Yearly Astrology predictions for Free Pisces Horoscope sunsign or zodiac 2016 ends here.