Education Vidya Ganapati

Education Vidya Ganapati

Education Vidya GanapatiVidya Ganapati

icon2Lord Ganesha is the remover of all obstacles and is worshipped in the beginning of any pooja or commencement of any auspicious work. Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of knowledge and wisdom and bestows his blessings. He is being worshipped in various forms like Vidya Ganapati for success in examinations, Buddhi Ganapati for knowledge, Sankata NashanaGanapati for removing obstacles,Siddhi Ishwaya Ganapti for wealth etc. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

icon1As per Kundalini yoga, Lord Ganesha resides in the muladhara chakra of all beings. It is the first or base chakra among the seven energy centres in the body. Ganesha forms the foundation and is basis for the movement of all energy chakras. Ganesha with his power guides other energy chakras like Sahasrara, Agna, Visuddi and Anahata. Yogis in the spiritual path try to elevate the Kundalini chakra and merge with the Sahasrara chakra.

Ganesh chaturti is celebrated every year in the month of Bhadrapada as per the lunar calendar. Ganesha idols made of clay and plaster of paris are installed in pooja pandals erected specially for the festival. Lord Ganesha is worshipped for ten day with festive vigour. On the tenth day, all the idols are taken in a procession to the nearby water source and immersed in the water. Mostly youth celebrate this festival with other members in the community. Special poojas and programmes are held on all the ten days.


icon3Vidya Ganapti Homam:

Ganesha Pooja is performed as mentioned in the scriptures. Recitation of 1008 Ganesha Moola Mantra is done and a homam is performed with 1/10th of the japa number

The homam will culminate with deeparadhana and poornahuti. This homam will be performed in your name and with your specific desire. All the ingredients used in the homam are prescribed in the vedic scriptures. The namavali japa can start range from 1008 times to 100,000 times japa.

Cost: 1008 Namavali japa and homam Rs.3400/- Book Now

Cost: 54000 Namavali japa and homam Rs.44000/- Book Now

Cost: 100,000 Namavali japa and homam Rs.100,000/- Book Now

2. Ganesha Pooja: It is the standard Ganesha Pooja for eliminating all obstacles and seek prosperity. Ganesha Namavali is recited after pratisthana and shodasopachara poojas.

Cost: 108 Namavali Pooja Rs.1500/- Book Now

Cost: 1008 Namavali pooja Rs.1800/- Book Now

3. Ganapati Homam: The above mentioned pooja is performed along with 1008 Ganesha moola mantra recitation and 1008 Ganesha Namavali japa. A homam is performed which culminates with shanty mantras and poornahuti. This pooja is done in your name and with your specific desire.

Cost: Rs.3400/- Book Now

4. Ganapati Homam: Ganesha is worshipped in his eight forms with ashta dravyas. Eight pundits perform this homam. 1008 Ganesha moola mantra is recited 1008 X 8 times. Ganapati Atharva Seersha is also recited. Later, it is followed by a homam, which ends with poornahuti and deeparadhana.

This pooja can be done in your name and with your specific sankalpa. Group booking can also be done.

Cost: Rs.17000/- Book Now


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