Capricorn Monthly Horoscope For October 2017

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope For October 2017

“Free Capricorn Monthly Horoscope For October 2017″

Capricorn Health Horoscope

A month during which the combination of stars facing you is quite favourably disposed towards your health affairs. Any predisposition to sudden acute illness, like fevers and inflammatory conditions would get considerable relief. In fact, relief from most chronic ailments is indicated. This is as it should be in a favourable month.

There is, however, a possibility, though an outside chance in such a stellar configuration, of an accident or a violent hurt. This should be guarded against in whatever manner possible. A fairly beneficial month, during which you would have a serious worry in the possibility of an accident.

Capricorn Finance Forecast

There is a lot of cheer for your financial prospects in the augury, from the stars this month. Association with several gifted people of learning and spiritual stature would not only bring you substantial gains but would also impart a highly satisfying dimension of culture and a taste for higher spiritual achievements.

Most of you would also be inclined to carry out your pursuits with a touch of boldness. This would also contribute to your success in a big way this month. The climate would also be quite congenial for investment and the launching of new ventures, and if you have any such plans on the anvil, now would be the time to put these into motion.

Capricorn Career and Profession Predictions

The augury from the stars is none to favourable for your career prospects this month. There is a strong likelihood of a serious conflict with your colleagues. Such an eventuality should be prevented at all costs. Try to anticipate trouble areas and work your way round this.

There would also be a lot of hard work, which would, however, appear to be a near pointless exercise, with expected gains eluding you. A good deal of travel is also indicated. But this, too, would be unfruitful. Expected gains would not come your way, though there is some indication that a trip eastward might bring you some minor advantages.

Capricorn Education Horoscope

The configuration of stars facing you this month does not augury too well for your educational pursuits. Most of you would lack the drive and motivation necessary to get to the top. This would hamper your progress in a big way, also depriving your efforts of their competitive edge. Those sitting for competitive examination would do well to go in for extra coaching, since this could well turn out to be the deciding factor.

Those going in for higher education may also find their progress beset with all kinds of problems. Further, some of you may be adversely influenced in a manner that would make you self-assertive and headstrong towards your teachers and serious. This should be firmly curbed.

Capricorn Travel Forecast

Not much percentage in travel for you this month, since the stars are not well disposed. There are indications, that some of you might go on a pilgrimage to some holy place. Some of you may visit places that are not very easily accessible, like some of our temples which involve a long trek on foot.

However, there is a distinct possibility of an injury or some other physical trouble on your sojourns. It is quite another matter that your devotion may see you through, safely on any such trip. Yet, grounds for caution remain. If aspiring topursue higher studies abroad or in some far off place within the country, you would face a number of problems.

Capricorn Family Prospects

This month the affairs of your family would be fraught with difficulties of all sorts, since the combination of stars facing you is not favourable. You must clearly curb any tendency on your part towards groundless suspicions since this would well take your relations with your spouse to a point-of-no-return. Discipline yourself in a manner that broadens your mental outlook and makes it more tolerant.

Some of you might develop serious tensions with your brothers. Here again, you should remain patient and refuse to get provoked into any kind of confrontation. Children’s activities would be a source of a lot of worry. Poor performance at studies and gains etc, along with indiscipline should be curbed, and their activities should be closely supervised.

Capricorn Children Predictions

Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars this month in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. There is a distinct possibility that the wards of a great number of you would get into serious difficulties with their teachers, adversely effecting their studies.

Parents should look into this and set things right. The performance of most of them at studies would not be very encouraging. Students of law going in for higher studies may have to face hurdles and obstacles of various descriptions in their pursuits.

Free Capricorn Monthly Horoscope Astrology for October 2017 Ends Here.