Cancer Monthly Horoscope For October 2019

Cancer Monthly Horoscope For October 2019

“Free Cancer Monthly Horoscope For October 2019″

Cancer Health Horoscope

This month, the stars are not very favourably inclined towards you, and therefore the trouble of paying extra attention towards your continued well-being would come upon you. First of all, there are chances that you might reach a state of generally debility or even nervous disorders as a result of exhaustion.

The source of all trouble would be over exertion. This, you must avoid at all cost. You might like to draw a work schedule that is more suited to your present objectives. Whatever that may be, avoid over-exertion, for any failure to do this would only be at your own peril. Take care, since the time is not too good.

Cancer Finance Forecast

Nothing particularly favourable about your financial prospects, this month in so far as the augury from the stars is concerned. Writers, poets and others of their ilk would do well to make provisions for an extremely lean period, for that is just the kind of time they have ahead of them this month.

In fact, for most of you there is every chance that your efforts are not going to get you anywhere. This would apply to any new line of activities in particular. Those expecting any gains from Government are also not likely to be happy at the turn of events. The outcome would in all probability be unfavourable.

Cancer Career and Profession Predictions

This month the augury for your professional advancement is quite favourable. Your whole working culture would be enriched by the influence of some gifted people of learning. This would not only benefit you materially but also impart a highly satisfying dimension to your life.

In fact, some of you would go on to make significant contributions in social- religious activities. And what is more, most of you would stick to a principle life, not deviating from your standards for the sake of convenience. Three would also be some travel and this, too, would prove gainful, of particular benefit would be travel towards the west.

Cancer Education Horoscope

This month your pursuits in education are likely to flow quite a bit, since the configuration of stars facing you is none too favourable. Those going in for higher education are likely to face all kinds of problems not the least of which would be finding the right opportunity.

Candidates sitting for competitive examinations, should go in for extra coaching well in advance, since this could determine the outcome of your efforts. Most of you would have to struggle quite a bit to achieve your objectives, and even after that the effort may not be entirely successful. But you must persevere and remain calm and patient.

Cancer Travel Forecast

An excellent month, during which you can look forward to gaining sizably from travel, since the stars are in a favourable position. Most of you would travel in pursuit of your business or official ends by air, by train or by road. In your efforts, success is indicated.

Further, there is a distinct possibility that any trip undertaken abroad during the coming month, would prove to be extremely successful in realizing your objectives. Those planning such a trip should make one now, particularly those wanting to pursue higher studies or training. All told, travel would be a source of pleasure for you.

Cancer Family Prospects

This month your family affairs are likely to face rough weather, since the stellar influences are not too helpful. The family atmosphere would be vitiated with strife and discord. These is the further possibility of serious differences with elders of the family, leading to unpleasant situations. You must keep your cool and refuse to be provoked into any kind of confrontation. This should help quite a lot in decreasing tension.

Children would also tend to be irritable, and not perform too well in their studies and other extra-curricular activities. Scrutinize their affairs very closely, devoting much more time and energy to this. The prospects of doing well financially are also bleak.

Cancer Children Predictions

The prospects for your children are not too bright since the stars are not very favourable on this score. Parents must be forewarned about the possibility of their differences with their teacher. It may be necessary for parents to intervene in some cases to set things right.

There is further the likelihood of the children of some of you facing difficulties in the pursuit of higher studies. Their progress may be impeded by hurdles of various kinds. However, they must persevere in their efforts since difficulties would get resolved in due course. The results at studies of most of the children may be below average.

Free Cancer Monthly Horoscope Astrology for October 2019 Ends Here.