Aishwarya Lakshmi Pooja

Aishwarya Lakshmi Pooja

Aishwarya Lakshmi PoojaAishwarya Lakshmi Pooja

icon2Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is manifested in eight forms known as Ashta Lakshmis. They are Adi Lakshmi : She is also known as Maha lakshmi and is the daughter of Rishi Brigu

Dhana lakshmi: Goddess of money and gold
Dhanya Lakshmi: Goddess of grains
Gaja Lakshmi: Goddess of animal property, like elephants and cattle
Santana Lakshmi: Goddess of offspring
Veera lakshmi: She is also known with the name of Dhairya lakshmi: She is the Goddess of strength and courage.

icon1Vijaya Lakshmi or Jaya lakshmi: Goddess of victory

Vidya lakshmi: Goddess of knowledge

  • Apart from these lakshmis, other forms like Aishwarya lakshmi, Saubhagya Lakshmi, Rajya Lakshmi and Varalakshmi are also worshipped. Aishwarya lakshmi is depicted as a Goddess with four arms, holding two lotuses, and with a varada mudra and abhaya mudra.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is said to have emerged from the Ocean of Milk when devas and asuras were churning the ocean for seeking nectar. She wears red colour clothes. She is shown as standing or sitting on a lotus with two elephants on her either side.
  • In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu had manifested himself in ten avataras to destroy demons and save devas and humanity. Goddess Lakshmi always accompanied Lord Vishnu in all his avataras.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is known with several names like Kamala, Padmapriya, Padmamukhi, Padmasundari, Sridevi, Bhumi Devi, Jalaja, Vaishnavi, Chanchala, Bhargavi, Sreya, Aiswarya, Roma, Padmakshi, Padmamaladhara Devi, Padmini, Chandrasahodari etc.
  • Goddess Lakshmi has accepted the owl as her vahana or vehicle. Hindus worship Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali, the festival of lights. To welcome Lakshmi, people lit diyas or lamps outside their houses.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped by all people who want wealth, prosperity and peace in their lives.


icon3We perform various lakshmi poojas as per the requirements of our clients.

1. Lakshmi Pooja: This pooja is done usually on a Thursday or Friday. Shodasopachara pooja along with the suggested materials is performed. Recitation of 1008 Lakshmi namavali and Sri sooktam is done. This pooja is done in your name and with your specific desire.

2. Lakshmi Kubera Homam: Kubera is the loyal treasurer of Goddess Lakshmi. Worshipping both the deities is believed to give financial prosperity and happiness. It is an elaborate pooja. After the Ganesh and Kalasha pooja, Dasa Dikpalaka homam and Navagraha homam are performed. Lakshmi moola mantra and Kubera moola mantra are recited 1008 times each and a homam is also performed. This pooja is done in your name and with your specific desire or wish.

3. Lakshmi Sri Sooktam: Lakshmi Namavali and Sri Sooktam are recited 4 X 1008 times. A homa is performed. Speciality of the pooja is, offering of a lotus flower dipped in honey to the God of fire. It is a powerful pooja which is meant for prosperity.

Cost for 27,000 recitals and homam: Rs. 39,000/- Book Now

Cost for 54,000 recitals and homam: Rs. 59,000/- Book Now

Cost for 100,000 recitals and homam: Rs. 100,000/- Book Now

This pooja is performed in your name and with your specific wish or desire.