2 Mukhi Rudraksh

2 Mukhi Rudraksh

2 Mukhi Rudraksh

2 Mukhi Rudraksha has got powers of Lord Shiv and Mata Shakti (wife of Lord Shiva also known as Mata Parvati), which is signified as ‘Ardhanarishwara’ (It is a combined appearance of Mata Shakti and Lord Shiva). It is a bead used to worship both the Gods together. This Rudraksh is ruled by the Moon. The people who wear it are blessed with happiness, wealth, inner bliss. According to ‘Vedas’, it also provides good family life, good friends and prosperous relation with all. It is also believed that the Rudraksha keeps the family and friends united, helps in getting married, provides spiritual gain, happiness and helps in getting a child. Wearing this Rudrasha with faith removes thought variation in spouses and makes their relationship perfect. It is believed that emotional issues and fear issues are also removed and satisfaction is felt in the married life since it is blessed by Mata Shakti and Lord Shiva. Wearing this Rudraksha makes mind peaceful and keeps various diseases away. The people who wear this are always blessed and are protected by God.

Who is required to wear this Rudraksha?

People who want to have a good relationship with their friends, want to have better family and married life should wear it in their neck with red thread. Wearing this also improves relation with coworkers, relatives and friends. It is believed that wearing this also helps in improving social life and big friends’ circle are created. The unmarried people who want to get married and have best life partners are also required to wear it. That couple who is unable to have kids and wants to have kids like Lord Shiva, may also wear it. Using it with full faith also improves the relation between siblings.

How is Chain (Mala) of Rudraksha worn?

Rudraksha is energized and sanctified before it is worn for the first time. Firstly, it is washed with unboiled well water or milk and then sandalwood paste is applied on it. A mala is made by threading 27 beads of Rudraksha. Flowers and incense are offered to the idol of Lord Shiva and the mala is kept on the altar of worshipper. It is preferred to wear it in the morning that is in Bhrama Mahurat after taking bath. As Monday is the day of God Shiva, it is worn on this day.

A plate is kept in front of the worshipper and is made to sit facing east, then the mala is washed with water by sprinkling water on it with the help of a leaf. After that Flowers are sprinkled on it to please Lord Shiva. The most famous Mantra “om namah Shivay “, is chanted for about 108 times to energize it. A sandal paste is prepared and applied on the mala. Then ‘Beeja mantra’ (Om Hum Namah) is chanted for 27 times for every Mukhis of the mala as it provides the blessing of Lord Shiva to the mala. After that Mala is worn, it is also preferred to chant “Om Hum Namah” twenty seven times every day in mind before sleep.