10th house

Horoscope 10th house


(The Fathers & Profesion)

Horoscope 10th houseThe 10th house signifies profession, honour, trade, agriculture, fame, elders, livehood, work employer, own business, appointment , promotion, occupation, vacation, government, aristicracy, bureaucracy, status, authority, command, respect, elders, father virtuous, life, thights, backbone duty to Gods, adopted child, ambition, energy, self respect, travels, commerce, trade, wealth, success, good conduct, pilgrimage, sacrifice, wisdom, renunciation, Public standing and attainments. It is a house of practical and ambitious activies.


Mercury and Jupiter(Fortune), Sun (Power, positions and Father) Saturn (Service and livelihood)


Father, head of states, presidents, Employer, mother-in-law, adopted son.

Body Parts

Knee, Joints, Backbone.


Sky, Working place.

Mental Status

Inclination to give orders, to be obeyed.

Physical Status

Prosperity, good living, luxuries.

Virtues Faculties

Fame, right path, self control, good conduct, teaching ability, sacrifices, influence, capabilties of the person.


Medicines, agriculture.




Commerce, Business, Politics, philosophy.


Traders, Govt. employees, Politicians,Managers, Philosophers, M.P.

Bhavat Bhavam

Relationship with respect to other houses, being.

2nd House from 9th House

Father’s wealth, family of Gurus/Teachers.

3rd House From 8th House

Courage of enemies.

4th House From 7th House

Spouse’s mother, Inlaw’s house.

5th House From 6th House

Children of servant’s or tenants.

6th House From 5th House

Enemies or adversaries of children, diseases of children.

7th House From 4th House

Mothers public activities/trusts.

8th House From 3rd House

Dealth or legacies of Brother’s & Sisters, secrets of younger Brother & Sisters.

9th House From 2nd House

Genreal fortune of family, values of the family.

10th House From 1st House

Own profession, working capacity.

11th House From 12th House

Gains from forign land friends & Sympathizers of ill wishers.

12th House From 11th House

Elder brother’s expenditure and losses.

Tenth Lord in various houses

The tenth lord indicates functions of the native.

First House

Learned , virtuous, sickly in childhood, healthy,later, attains to progressively increasing wealth, devoted to father, hostile to mother.

Second House

Viruous , wealthy, honoured by the ruler, given to charities, opposed to his mother , avaricious.

Third House

Valorous, virtuous, good speaker, righteous, blessed with brothers, servants, etc. inclined to oppose his near and dear ones.

Fourth House

Prosperous, virtuous, blessed with lands, horses, vehicles and physical comforts, devoted to his mother and father.

Fifth House

Blessed with wealth, peogeny and learning, healthful, engaged in pious deeds, favoured by the ruler, fond of song and music.

Sixth House

Tormented by foes, poor despite being skilled, no comfort from father, quarrelsome, healthful.

Seventh House

Good wife, Virtuous, thoughtful, engaged in pious deeds.

Eight House

Long lived, talk ill of others, reluctant to undertake a venture, cruel, wickedly disposed.

Ninth House

Blessed with wealth and sons a king or his equal, good natured, worthy friends.

Tenth House

Truthful, valorous, very efficient and blessed with comforts, benevolent towards his mother.

Eleventh House

Blessed wich riches, sons and virtues, truthful, ever contented, long lived cared for by the mother.

Twelfth House

Clever, worrisome, frightened by opponents, suffers expenditure through the king, If the 10th lord is a malefic, native wanders or works in a foreign land.

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