What is Pitra Dosha as per Astrology Shastras?
In the house of fortune, the ninth house is the house of fortune and it has great importance as it is also known as the house of father and manes. When the Sun and Rahu form conjunction in this house then the birth chart of a person has got Pitra Dosa. When Sun and Rahu get placed in a house together, the auspiciousness of the house is no more there. As per the Vedic scriptures, the Piru dosha happens due to one’s sins from the previous birth. As life of a person is the combination of happiness and sorrow, the Pitra Dosha cause difficulties in one’s life.
What are Pitra Dosha Effects on person’s life?
In Hindi manes are known as Pitra. Pitra are those people who face unnatural death and did not get salvation. So remedies are needed to pacify Pitra Dosha. Pitra Dosha is formed if any person in the family faces unnatural death. The dosha could also happen if the family members do not offer water and food to their manes or if do not remember their manes while performing the spiritual tasks. The Dosha could happen if any member of the family kills a cow or destroys a foetus in the womb. When any of these situations happen, the Sun and Rahu come together it the ninth house in the birth chart and the person gets Pitra Dosha.
What are its visible effects ?
Due to the Pira Dosha, a person may have delay in getting the support of the luck and has to struggle a lot before getting success in his or her work. According to the rituals in Hindu religions, a person should always worship his manes before the worship of deities as they are of great importance. According to the Hindu calendar, the Krishn Paksha of the Ashwini Month is the best time to pacify the manes.
What are the Best and Effective Remedies for PitraDosha ?
There are several ways to remove the Pitra Dosha. The manes can be satisfied if the person does Pinddaan, do worship and arrange for Tarpana on the date of death of these manes during the Krishna Paksha of Ashwinin month. The daana has to done with sesame seeds, couch grass, flowers, raw rise can Ganga water or pure water. After doing that, food, clothes, fruits and donation are to be offered to the Brahmins. Those who do not know the exact date of their manes’ death must perform these activities for pacifying their manes on Amavasya- new moon day. On this day, people should put kheer in the cow dung ash and recall the manes facing the south direction and must apologize for the mistakes and karmas. This is very helpful in removing the Pitra Dosha. Looking at Sun during Sunrise and chanting the Gayatri Manta can also strengthen the position of the Sun in one’s horoscope.