Chiming Clocks

Chiming Clocks

Chiming ClocksChiming Clocks

The chiming clocks gives out soft tunes in the house creates good Chi but the sound coming out of it should be pleasing. Another kind of clock which is used as a cure in flying star is the chiming pendulum clock. This clock should be of metal and must have metal pendulum. When the clock chimes, the sound coming out should be of a metallic sound and can be hung in the area which is afflicted by the 5 yellows. The sound of the metal coming from the chiming clock is effective in reducing the damaging effects of the deadly 5 yellows.

The best place to keep Pagoda is North East corner of the child room. It is considered to have yin energy, and so as to make it effective, it should be balanced by yang energy in the room, i.e. by having red colour present in the room. The yang effect of the red colour helps to awaken the chi of the Pagoda