Year Ahead Forecast

Year Ahead Forecast

Year Ahead ForecastVedic astrology gives detailed information about various future events in your life based on authentic texts by rishis. The predictions can caution you regarding any of the untoward incidents which may happen in future. You may not be able to totally ward off the effect but can certainly reduce the bad influence. Vedic astrology acts as a guide to face all the challenges in life.

We are a dedicated team of qualified astrologers who are reputed in this field. We have relevant experience and qualification to give out Vedic astrological predictions based on your horoscope.

For the year ahead forecast, you can know how your stars perform in the coming year. We give out predictions based on the antardasa, transits and dasa of the planets and stars. This information will be relevant to various aspects like finance, profession, relationship, love, marriage, travel, property and so on.

Please remember that it is not a monthly report. It is a one time forecast. The planetary influences and the main transits, dasa and antardasa of Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter are considered to give out the forecast which is valid for one year.

We also suggest remedial measures if there are any negative influences in your horoscope. These may be simple pujas and offering to deities, recitation of slokas or stotras. In only few instances we suggest bigger remedial measures like homas or yagnas. But these methods have to be performed by authentic priests.