Lal kitab Saturn Effects And Remedies

Lal kitab Saturn Effects And Remedies

Saturn is known with another name ‘Shani’. It is the planet that moves slowly but it provides major effects on the Kundali. Saturn is associated to be a favorable planet for the ones who born in the signs that are owned by Venus. Saturn is considered as evil effect provider to the ones who born in the signs that are owned by Mercury. According to the astrological book Lal Kitab, Saturn is considered as serpent whose head is Rahu and tail is Ketu.

There are many auspicious and inauspicious effects of Saturn for every House. Free and authentic lal kitab Saturn remedies for each house are as below:

Saturn in First House:

Effects: Native of this house will be financially strong. They may be associated with the business of plastic, iron, cement, wood, liquor suits and leather. Celebration of birth child may bring problems like order of courts for him.


  1. Native should not eat Non-vegetarian food.
  2. Liquor is prohibited for the native.

Saturn in Second House:

Effects: Native looks like a fool but actually he is diplomatic person. He may be progressive, healthy and hard working. There may be chances of illness till the age of 39 if mars and Saturn both are bad for him.


  1. Offer milk to a snake.
  2. Put tilak of curd on forehead.
  3. Visit to a temple for 43 days regularly.

Saturn in Third House:

Effects: Native will be financially strong and will lead a long life. Hey may be eye specialist and things that are related to Saturn will be beneficial for him. There are some chances of getting poor and chances of eyes problems will be there.


  1. Stay away from Liquor.
  2. Donation of medicines of eyes is beneficial.

Saturn in Fourth House:

Effects: Native may be related to the medical profession and he will be touched to the family for the whole life. If you have extra marital affair then be alert, there are chances of bad effects. If native is constructing a house then bad effects will be seen on maternal uncle and mother too.


  1. Do not drink milk in night.
  2. Pour rum or milk in the flowing water.
  3. Feed snake with milk.

Saturn in Fifth House:

Effects: Native is a respectful person and keeps proper attention to self respect. Native may be in the field of writing. If he constructs house then his son may suffer the consequences. Chances for native to be dishonest, thief, cheater, poor, ill and unfortunate are there.


  1. Put things that are related to Sun, moon and mars in the dark corner of the room.
  2. Distribute almonds on the place of worship.
  3. Do not distribute sweets on the birthday of son. Distribute salty things.

Saturn in Sixth House:

Effects: There will be bad effects on family if native is married before the age of 28. Getting married after 28 will give good results. Behavior of the elder son will not good. Elder son will be helpful in the old age. Bringing things to home that are related to Saturn may be harmful.


  1. Keep a black dog as pet animal.
  2. Offer coconut in the flowing water like river.
  3. Feed dogs and snakes.

Saturn in Seventh House:

Effects: Native will be clever, self obsessed and selfish. He may become financially rich after the age of 36 with his passion and hard work. Native will be rigid, poor and Aloof.


  1. Staying away from liquor and Non-Vegetarian is good.
  2. Feed black cow.
  3. Dig a vessel filled with sugar in jungle.

Saturn in Eighth House:

Effects: Native will be rich, intelligent, and selfish and will have great vision. He will lead a long life. There may be some bad effects on hairs, eyes, wealth and he may face mental problems.


  1. Put a flat silver piece with you.
  2. Put some milk in water and take a bath with it.
  3. While taking bath, sit on stone or wood.

Saturn in Ninth House:

Effects: Native will be strong, successful, majestic, happy and sympathetic. There will be no problems in the life and he will lead a smooth and prosperous life. He will own at least three houses in the lifetime. Some problems will be there with the one who is in finance business. He may face problems in the birth of child.


  1. Native should keep things that are related to Jupiter such as gold, moon and kaiser.
  2. Flow almonds and rice in river.

Saturn in Tenth House:

Effects: There will good results in every field for the native. Constructing a house and having liquor may change situations. Things will be bad and ineffective. Bad results will be seen with the things that are related to Mars and Sun.


  1. Keep the things that are associated with planet Jupiter and Mercury.

Saturn in Eleventh House:

Effects: Native is rich, strong, great personality, happy, prosperous, and brave. He will be benefited by the property of parents. There will be some problems related to child birth.


  1. Spread liquor or spirit on earth before sunrise.

Saturn in Twelfth House:

Effects: You will get benefits from your enemies. Native will be rich and will have many houses. There may be bad results of taking interest in women.


  1. Take 12 almonds, tie them in a piece of cloth and then put it in a pot of iron. Keep them in a dark room will provide good results.